Smelly poop

Well thats approximately 24Hrs on the meds and tony seems less grumpy. But he aint stupid the 2 meds that have to be applied orally i put on his piece of apple they have an odour and he keeps throwing the apple out of his bowl and i have to keep putting it back in, i think he has found a new game. The vet gave me a sample pack of the Harrisons pellet food and he seems to be eating it ok so thats an improvement. so heres hoping the improvements keep coming..
Birds many times are much smarter than we give them credit for, hope the meds go well, been there done that, well still doing it with one of my fids, so I know how that goes, if you can get him on Harrison's though a little pricey it's well worth it.....keep up the good work :)
Ok update time, went back to vets today and the vet checked a sample of the birds droppings and the yeast content is virtually gone. There are still some infections which should be sorted out with the meds which he is still on for another week. As to the open wound it seems to be closing over quite well but in my eyes it is still protruding to much, and of course tony wont stop picking at it, so if he wont stop it then it is on with a collar( that will be fun!!!!! ). But all in all his mood is much better so that is good enough for me. Will keep you updated after return to vet next monday cya..
Great news glad things are going well
Well tony was back at the vet today the wound that he has cant heal properly because tony wont stop interfering with it so as the photo shows he has a neck collar fitted. The poor thing cant get used to this extra weight round his kneck so as you can see he sleeps with his beak hooked on the bars of his cage. Also i have now to administer his meds orally instead of on his food.
Well i have decided that i am going to see the vet about removing the neck brace, due to the fact tony cant hold his head up properly i reckon the brace is too heavy for him. Also he looses his balance and falls of his perch into the bottom of the cage. My fears are obvious on that one. This course of action will mean tony getting kept in at the vet for them to administer his meds.....
They should be able to give him a plastic cone style one like you get for dogs
I've seen birds with them before so they definatly available maybe just a need to ask around different vets if yours don't stock
it should be under $10
I am sorry to read about tony and I pray that he will be better soon. Do you know what caused the yeast infection?

Our vet uses a cut out xray for a collar, shame the one tony has on really looks uncomfortable.

My girl was kept in hospital for a week and although it broke my heart at the time, it was for the best. It is critical that tony gets ALL his meds so rather let the vet keep him and administer it. Specially because tony is not socialized it must be very difficult for you to get hold of him and get him to swallow it.

Did you ask the vet about -
I would ask him about Papillomatosis on your next upcomming vist,

My girl was misdiagnosed 3 times and she almost died. There are other members here who's parrots were also misdiagnosed and treated for the wrong things and their parrots did die. :(

Please keep us updated.
Unfortunately we dont know how the yeast infection started, yes the collar does look uncomfortable but with it he cant get to my fingers to easy when i have him out for his meds, which he is taking quite easily from the syringe. I get tony out and sit down and my wife loads the syringe and hands it to me and he seems to take them down no problem so he gets all meds he needs. But when we started this yesterday while i held him we both took turns rubbing his head for a while, now remember tony has not been handled before, when i returned him to his cage thats when the magic happened he moved to the front of the cage and bent his head down to get it scratched i was so amazed at this i nearly cried for him so now we scratch through the bars. I will ask the vet about Papillomatosis next monday when i go back to the vet. thankyou for all your help guys....
Hi guys sorry i have not uppdated on tony's condition but on 22nd november our 14 year old retriever Mandy had to take that last walk to the vet as she could not move about any more. As you can imagine since then life aint been good but the wife and i are getting back to normal now, well we have to with all this snow we are having to shovel in glasgow. But tony is a lot better now the smell from his stools has gone and this wound behind his vent is clearing up nicely with new feathers appearing around it so thing are sort of getting back to normal.. I hope all is good with all of you, george.
Heres a tip to cleaning your carpet if ur parrot pooped o nit
Use Club Soda to Remove Carpet Stains

The key to cleaning carpet stains is to act immediately. The longer you wait to remove carpet stains, the more time the stain has to set. Take a clean, dry cloth and blot until no more of the stain can be lifted. Next, pour club soda on the cloth and blot until the stain is completely removed. Always blot the stain. Vigorous rubbing can cause the stain to spread and that part of the carpet to become worn.

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