Well, today i saw the most magnificent bird. Sitting their in the cage was a Slender-Billed Corella! One of the rarer birds i have seen, and quite a looker as well. Going to the bird-store to look at african greys, i saw the corella, and thought about a post i saw.. "Instead of choosing the species, let the species choose you". The corella was one of the birds that caught my eye. A little pricey, being a rarer bird, but still... might actually get one! Of course the corella i saw was sold already (just my luck), or i would have gotten it. I got home and did some research... one of the rarest cockatoos to find in the U.S, and will be a couple years before i even find one to buy... I then heard it talk, and boy can it do so! I might not get the bird due to its large, sharp beak, but if i do, won't be for a couple years... just more time for me to find another bird to impact my decision making problems...lol