Sleep time


New member
Jun 5, 2013
NW WA state
Male Senegal Parrott
What is everybody doing for sleep time with your Macaws? Cover cage? Sleep cage? If so what size? Kind? Or are you doing something else entirely ???
I use to cover Valentino's cage but a Queen size sheet only cover the top one third of the cage. Valentino got into the habit of pulling off the cover himself and I had a hard time getting the cover over the cage because the cage is taller than I am so I stopped.

Valentino sleeps on his roosting perch and will have his blanket draped over his back.

Hmm, I don't have my macaw yet (pass faster, time), but my eclectus lives in a macaw cage.

Currently I cover him with a king sized sheet (which, like NobleMacaw said, really only covers the top of the cage). I figure it lets him feel closed off and secure while he's sleeping. And yes, it is hard to get the cover over the top of the cage. I am 5'7" and the cage is 7'. Hubby doesn't have a problem doing it. He's 6' with monkey arms.

The hubby promises that once I have all the cages set up where I'm certain I want them, he will install a curtain rod along the ceiling so I can just hang floor length drapes and pull them across the rod at night.

I believe all my birds enjoy being covered and look forward to it at sleepy time. Might just be because they're used to it, though.
I use to cover Valentino's cage but a Queen size sheet only cover the top one third of the cage. Valentino got into the habit of pulling off the cover himself and I had a hard time getting the cover over the cage because the cage is taller than I am so I stopped.

Valentino sleeps on his roosting perch and will have his blanket draped over his back.


Naaawwwwww look at him! I love that he has his own lil blankey! Does it literally rest on his back, or sit just behind him?
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Does he ever turn around so his face is in the blanket? Or does he always sleep there with his back to the blanket??
My red front sleeps on her big playstand outside the cage. (She only goes into the cage to eat, or occasionally to play with a favorite toy.)

My Greenwing sleeps on top of her cage, and doesn't even eat in the cage anymore.

Cage covers are used only for reinforcement when they are naughty. (In fact, I gave Maggie's away to a friend who was having screaming issues. I've never actually had to cover Maggie EVER!) My cage doors never close. They come and go as they please.

Every once in awhile I will have to pull Sweepeas cover out of the closet, and throw it on the floor next to her cage, but I haven't actually covered her in many (5+) years either. Like the towel, if they know you will use it, you generally don't have to. Just showing it to them is enough...

Sweepea actually wraps one of her favorite toys around her when she sleeps. She actually had a big hanging rope toy that she would climb inside and sleep on. (All you could see was beak.) And she would also pop out of it and ambush people...
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OMG..Sweetpea sounds like such a RFM. Love how you describe her when you write about your RFM.

Valentino loves to have the blanket draped over his back. During the day when he is in his cage for independent play he will "play" with the blanket and chatter away talking to himself. Here is a video of him and his blankee. Get ready for an overload of cuteness
I don't cover any of my birds. Zoe goes to the highest perch at bedtime and goes to sleep.
Forgot to mention: The birds are on Human time.

Wake up is at 6:00 a.m., and Bedtime is at 10:00 pm.

(I've noticed they all take power naps during the day.)
Loki, our Yellow Collared Macaw used to sleep in a salad bowl when we first got her. Now she has a sleepy hut in her cage, and she LOVES it. It's a guinea pig hut, made of straw. It's round and looks almost like a big loaf of bread. I give her my old pajamas as a blanket. Whenever she's ready to go to sleep, she just goes in there, and her tail sticks out. It's funny, when I clean her cage, and change the blanket, I sometimes find a toy part, or an almond shell that she's brought in there with her!
Wingnut, our Military Macaw has taken to sleeping underneath a toy I made for him. It's made of plastic straws, and it has a pink plastic tugboat on it. It hangs above his favorite perch, so he kind of backs up underneath it, and sleeps with it over his back. It makes me wonder if I should get him something more suitable to snuggle with.
Sunny spent a year living in a yard on a very busy street with traffic, sirens, barking dogs, etc. I doubt she ever got enough sleep. When we got her we told never to cover her because she hated it. We discovered by accident that she loves the security of a cover at night even though her cage is safe and secure in the dining room now. She will fuss and grump and try to fix it if we leave a crack. Yes it takes a lot of covers for that big cage and it is a nuisance but she loves to go to bed and I think it is because she now feels so secure.
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Loki, our Yellow Collared Macaw used to sleep in a salad bowl when we first got her. Now she has a sleepy hut in her cage, and she LOVES it. It's a guinea pig hut, made of straw. It's round and looks almost like a big loaf of bread. I give her my old pajamas as a blanket. Whenever she's ready to go to sleep, she just goes in there, and her tail sticks out. It's funny, when I clean her cage, and change the blanket, I sometimes find a toy part, or an almond shell that she's brought in there with her!
Wingnut, our Military Macaw has taken to sleeping underneath a toy I made for him. It's made of plastic straws, and it has a pink plastic tugboat on it. It hangs above his favorite perch, so he kind of backs up underneath it, and sleeps with it over his back. It makes me wonder if I should get him something more suitable to snuggle with.

if i were to build a sleep hut, how much room should it provide? big enough to turn around without bending the tail? or just enough fir him to crawl in sleep and turn around bending the tail??? nor have an opening on both sides???? anyone else have something similar?? pictures??

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