Skyler's outing :-)


New member
Mar 9, 2011
Stewie- Eclectus

Oscar-Black capped Conure-RIP my baby
It has been about two weeks since Oscar's passing and Sky is slowly adjusting. He is still more clingy than he has ever been though. I had a "purse" for Oscar. It has a built in perch and mesh all around by the zipper. Other than that it looks so much like a regular purse that I was able to sneak Oscar on a plane to visit relatives :) He stayed in the purse on my lap the whole time.

I never thought I would be able to get any use out of it again now that he is gone. Sky is a little stinker and doesn't tolerate things as well as Oscar did. I decided to give it a try. For a few days I brought the purse out. Sky was playing in it by the first night :)

Over the weekend we took him to get his nails trimmed. We had other errands to run while we were out as well. It is way too hot to leave him in a cage in the car. SO Sky went with us. He was a little prince for his first outing in the birdie purse! We went to a few stores, even a grocery store... each time I checked on him he was eatting his millet or sitting on his purse grooming himself. He didn't care about his new surroundings, nothing phased him! I thought he would be terrified when strangers took him to trim his nails. He sat there like a saint, then every worker asked to hold him. Before long he had tons of people around him, and he was kissing everyone! What a showoff! They were shocked because they said they have never seen such a well behaved IRN.
I am just sooooooo proud of him!!:blue2:

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