Skittle our conure


New member
Dec 10, 2017
Pineapple green cheek conure
So a week ago we got our selfs our first gcc as a couple my girlfriend kept birds when she was younger, but this really is my first little feathered friend, and yes I was over the moon, we brought skittle from a sort of breader.
skittle was kept out side in an aviary with his or her brothers and sisters, we was told skittle is 7 months old.
We let him be in his cage for the first few days as skittle didn't have much human interaction only just talking to him, We've started tameing skittle with treats eg apple, orange and other fruit, he's started taking treats from our hands through the bars of the cage, and yesterday he took some food from my partners hand inside the cage,he was on a seed diet but we are slowly changing this to chop and pellets but still giving him some seed and of course hole fruit and vegetables, he's seems to be really enjoying his new diet.
Really I'm just asking is there any advice people can give me, like help with bonding and taming skittle, as iv said this is my first parrot, and I need all the help I can get, as I'm always reading through the net on ideas and tips, so thanks again
Congratulations, very exciting! I second that .... pictures please :D
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Here is skittle, thanks for the link I'll have a look :)
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He/She is beautiful! I wish you good luck with the bonding! Clover is my first Conure and I wasn't really sure what I was doing with the bonding. It is quite easy just keep at it with the treats. He/She will come around in no time.
I would recommend removing any mirrors and wooden dowels. Replace the dowels with natural perches. Include foraging toys and shredding toys.

To me, it sounds like you are already on the right path! Feeding by hand is a great way to earn their trust. Have you also tried sunflower seeds? Millet? Dried fruits?

You can use the treats as rewards and teach Skittle to step up. Don't force it, just place your hand either on a perch or right outside the door and teach Skittle to come to one hand by offering rewards in the other.

I think you are doing a wonderful job. Truly, I wish I had done as well as you, when I was new to the world of conures!
you're doing an excellent job already! Agreed wholly with Monica on the dowels and mirror. Dowels make their feet sore and the mirrors can cause some behavior problems.

As for the taming continue what you are doing, at first when teaching step up I found it really helped to remove a perch from the cage when training and use that to teach them, just so they have familiarity of what they are standing on

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