Singing all day


New member
Jan 14, 2025
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indian ringneck
We have him about 10 years.
Usually he sign a couple of times a day when someone is loud etc, and everything is ok.
But in last 15,20 days, he signing almost all day. We dont know why.
He regularry get new food/water, we give him some fresh food every day (usually apple, banana, carrots etc), he fly in living room almost every day.
What we also see is that he can bath every day, usually when he sign a lot this is sign he wants to bath. But now we can bath him, and after 10 min again like nothing happens.
Earlier he likes to bath maybe every 2,3,4 weeks.
He looks completely normal and healthy.
What is your advices?
Usually, singing is a sign of a happy bird. I don't know much about ringnecks. Hopefully, someone can help you out better than I can :)
Maybe he's hormonal and he's singing and calling out to try to attract a mate? Usually parrots vocalize to communicate with their flock.
singing, making noises, my english is not natural so i dont know what is right word.
This is video of him: Link
What i also see is that when he walk now he somethimes jump, he dont do this earlier. Also he dont like me to touch him now, earlier he allowed me but now he dont like any touch.
He looks like a happy healthy bird who thinks he owns the place. Because he does! Even my tame budgies don't like it when I try to get them on my hand when they are out having fun because they don't want me to put them back in their cages.
Most adult birds don't like to be touched. If you keep trying to touch him you will just annoy him. As long as he will perch on your arm or shoulder or perch on a stick, that's physical contact.
I might call it vocalizing.

That is very cute bird and sweet sound

But have no idea what it means.

He just sign all day, i love him but somethimes we cant speak because of his singing.
HQealthy happy parrots can make a lot of noise and there's not much you can do about it but try to ignore it. Some people toss a blanket over their cage to try to shut then up but it really doesn't do much good. Isolating them to an empty room is cruel to a bird that considers you his flock. He will just call to his flock and get frustrated. Punishing a parrot for being a parrot is just wrong.

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