While the tractor supply stores around here do have bunnies around easter time, and probably do take advantage of that, the chicks are usually just there in the early spring, as thats when folks would want to begin raising them. This is so they'll be ready in time for egg production when the batch of chickens from last year are moulting/worn out.
If they have them at the same time as easter I think it's probably just a coincidence. They wont even sell the chicks unless your willing to buy like 3 or more at a time for 2 reasons,
1) they need each others warmth for the ride home
2) Chicks do not do well by themselves.
My hens hid an egg from me and hatched it. I found the egg pipping in the coop one morning, thank god as my hens are very vicious with small fuzzy things. I raised young Frankie in my house and literally had it with me 24/7. I put him in one of those little fanny packs and strapped it to my waist. He slept tucked next ti my neck/chin. He screamed whenever I was gone.. my boyfriend and I even took him with us when we stayed out of town for a few days.. the motel didn't notice, lol!
He eventually grew up to be a rooster which was bad because I already had 1 rooster and only 3 hens. The two boys fought viciously and I was forced to give my sweet Frankie to a neighbor. He did well until he tried to tangle with some coyotes
Anyway, I don't know what people are thinking when they go out and just purchase an animal without researching.. whether it be for easter/Christmas.. whatever. I know that all of my animals, even the fish, require ALOT of time and work. I didn't research my one fish properly and now he is suffering for it because I can't afford a larger aquarium.
Wish there was some sort of training course folks had to take before they were allowed to purchase animals.. and reproduce