Sick parrot

Decided to give an update.
Check up was today. The vet said she looked much better, though whatever it is seems to have moved from her beak to somewhere deeper - like a respitory infection
She was 103 grams last time, 114 this time. Yay! :) the vet was very happy!
Next checkup is Nov. 11th. Hopefully he'll gain ever more weight!
For the first time EVER Kiwi is playing with a toy! He's doing it right now!
OMG! I've never been prouder :')
Yay! Great news that Kiwi is getting better and putting on weight!!! :)
I'm thinking that if it is coccidiosis then the antibiotics are for a secondary infection (google says secondary infections are common with coccidiosis!) I would think though, that you would still need to treat the coccidiosis itself? Maybe the vet wants to get rid of other problems first?:confused:
Anyways, as long as he's getting better then it's all good and the Avian vet obviously knows what he's doing (and I deal with sick people, not birds - so what do I know! ;) :D )

Very exciting that he's playing with toys! He's obviously feeling better!
I know, I'm so excited!
Ok, here's the issue : I don't KNOW how you pronounce coccidiosis, but, I THINK that's how it's pronounced (the way the vet said it).
I really don't know. We are going back in for a re-check and ill ask exactly what it is xD

I know, he's NEVER done that before, EVER. He even grabbed my spoon from my little thing of pomegranate seeds. Such a cute baby :3

Yes, I believe that is what the vet is talking about. They said that its transmittable by feces, which is what coccidiosis is, just I know that usually how you identify it is by bloody stool. That's how you do in goats, sheep, chickens, if its livestock that's how you make sure it is coccidiosis, which is what confuses me - Kiwi doesn't really have bloody stool. It has been an odd color as of late, which ill ask the vet about, but it hadnt started until after the meds.
How long have Kiwi been on meds??? Have you been keeping Kiwi warm and higher humidity level? IF that's what Kiwi have, I would suggest to clean the bottom of the cage as often as possible and if Kiwi poops in the water dish, sanitize it right away.
Also I would suggest in giving some organic yogurt to start the bacteria process after treatment as the anti-biotics kills the good bacteria as well as the bad ones.
And don't let him smoke. Smoking is bad for parrots. ;) but seriously, I hope your baby is doing well, mine is asleep under my shirt right now and I know how special my little stinker is and I'm sure your baby means a lot to you too.
Ah yes, we have him on a 12 step program. Sadly, I believe he's sneaking in cigs, I found some butts on the floor of his cage.... Lol!
Yes, he's very special to me!

Mikey - Are you a vet ? ;) you're repeating exactly what he said. I clean it daily or every other day (sometimes I don't have time / forget), and clean his food & water every day or the water several times a day. He has a heat lamp on him. And I think the meds have been going for... 1-2 weeks now, ish? Lol
Birds are lactose intolerant and I was told Not to give yogurt, though I give it to my chickens, pigeons, geese, you name it, all the time. So I don't see why parrots. Ill ask the vet - I'm sure it's fine, just while I have the option of a vet, I want to pick his brain & consult as much as possible!

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