Sick parront and living with your bird


Well-known member
Jan 23, 2016
Perjo - Female CAG hatch Nov 2015
So I feel like I have a severe cold coming on or a mild set of flu symptoms, are there any precautions I need to take with Perjo? Can she get sick from me? Should I avoid handing here? etc etc etc?
Yes she can pick up certain things from you like respiratory infections. Take the same precautions you would to protect other humans around you; wash your hands often, don't breath on her, etc.

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Yes as Silversage has said up the hygiene practises. Be aware of where you sneeze, have that tissue handy and ensure they are disposed of properly.

I am more hands off Plum when unwell for his sake. Perjo will be OK, ensure enough to do and enough food prepared. get well soon!
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Re: Sick parront

My 24 year old amazon Pionus traveled with us from Arizona to Las Vegas December 28th. He was fine when we arrived. He ate his food with nuts, white rice and hard noodles that evening. Was drinking water around midnight then in morning was not opening his eyes while we were right in front of him and talking to him. later that day he got worse, his breathing was heavy and fell off perch. We ran to the vet but didn't make it. What happened? Was it the cold? His droppings were milky/white clear.This happened so fast. Can anyone give me any answers. Thanks
Re: Sick parront

My 24 year old amazon Pionus traveled with us from Arizona to Las Vegas December 28th. He was fine when we arrived. He ate his food with nuts, white rice and hard noodles that evening. Was drinking water around midnight then in morning was not opening his eyes while we were right in front of him and talking to him. later that day he got worse, his breathing was heavy and fell off perch. We ran to the vet but didn't make it. What happened? Was it the cold? His droppings were milky/white clear.This happened so fast. Can anyone give me any answers. Thanks

Oh so very very sorry for your loss. The sure way of finding answers when you lose a fid is to have a necropsy performed by an AV.
Guys, I was not aware that Human pathogens can infect avians - are you certain?

@kcarp, very sorry to hear about this sudden demise of your parrot. Please start your own thread on this and by giving the board more info, you can get some answers. But its not far to the original poster to take the thread over, especially with something as serious.
Sorry for your loss.
Wrench, I was told by an Avian Vet that it's possible.
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I'm taking Perjo in for a grooming next week, I plan on asking about passing on any kind of whatever to our FIDs.
I'll re post this

Most human diseases, including those that cause the common cold and the flu, are not transmittable to our companion birds. If exposed to certain viruses or bacterial infections known to afflict parrots, your bird could develop an infection on her own even if her human family is healthy. These risks can be minimized by practicing good hygiene yourself, including limiting your exposure to other birds at stores, bird marts and club meetings and cleaning your hands thoroughly before feeding or touching your own bird. Also, avoid allowing your bird to come into contact with your saliva through sharing food or kissing her on the beak. A healthy parrot with a strong immune system should be able to fight most viral or bacterial infections.

which was covered in Coco got sick recently.
I got this info from an avian vet as well. Most "diseases" don't go back and forth but particularly bacterial illnesses are easy to transmit.

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