Sick Budgie(?)

Jan 12, 2024
Sparky- yellow and green budgie
Niko- white bellied caique
Knox- blue and yellow budgie (RIP)
Cicero- blue and white budgie (RIP)
My 2 year old male budgie Sparky is having some kind of health problem. He woke up this morning wheezing and struggling to fly. When he does fly, he always crashes into something, when he is usually an amazing flyer. He also makes a sound when he flies that makes it seem like he’s having trouble breathing. I got some Pedialyte into him in case he’s dehydrated, but he didn’t really like it. I cleaned his dishes and got him fresh pellets and water with a few ml of Pedialyte. He doesn’t seem to want to eat anything except millet, when he usually has an incredible appetite. He’s also a little puffed up, which tells me he may be cold. I’m definitely going to call the vet tomorrow, but in the meantime, what can I do for him? I’m afraid to let him out of the cage because he flies a lot, and I don’t want him to crash again. Here’s what he does every time he flies. Excuse my messy room, I will be cleaning it very soon. You can also hear that he makes a clicking sound when flying.


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Definitely a vet visit if possible. Sounds like a possible respiratory infection which would likely need medication to clear it up. Keep him quiet and let him eat what he wants for now; anything is better than nothing. Praying he recovers quickly. Let us know how your little guy is doing ! ❤️
Keep the heat around 85F, make sure he's drinking water, and try to make things as un-stressful as possible. Otherwise, there's not much you can do (besides taking him to the vet). Hope he feels better soon.
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I got him a vet appointment for tomorrow after I get home from school. He’s still not doing great today. He’s not any better, but he’s also not worse. I have set up a bowl of hot water by his cage, so he inhales the steam and can breathe a little better. I change it every few hours, so it stays hot.
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His vet appointment is in about a half hour. I’m really nervous and hope it’s something treatable that I caught early.
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Ok so he’s back from the vet. He’s not sick, he’s just fat… Ok well actually he has fatty liver disease. The vet did do some bloodwork, and he didn’t see any kind of illnesses, just signs of fatty liver disease. He is on oral medication for 30 days, then goes back for a recheck to make sure it worked. His food is also cut down to 1tsp twice a day, and he gets much more time to fly. He will be ok, but I feel very irresponsible for not noticing anything and letting it get to this point.
Please don’t be too hard on yourself; fatty liver is very common in budgies. Our little guys sure like to eat! I don’t know if you feed your bird fresh veggies, but that is a healthy snack for him that might help him not eat so much of his seeds. I’m glad you seem to have caught this early and I hope your little guy feels better quickly ❤️

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