

Well-known member
Sep 17, 2021
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Minnesota, USA
Eclectus Parrot: Nico (male)
Jenday Conure: Kiwi (female)
Sun Conure: Charlie (male)
Be careful when shunning a parrot. Itā€™s only the second time Iā€™ve ever done this with Nico my Ekkie (Iā€™ve had him 3 years now). He went after my husband aggressively, and tried to bite him. I intervened. I had Nico step up, and I set him down of the back of a chair. Then I gave him my back, and walked away. 10 minutes later I checked on him, and he ripped out feathers (he was bleeding as he ripped out a flight feather). I counted 5 feathers he ripped out, and he scissored another 3. He hasnā€™t done this in over a year now. He was very sensitive to being ā€œshunnedā€. I just wanted to forewarn others encase you may have a ā€œsensitiveā€ parrot as well. Sometimes the outcomes arenā€™t as we expect. Iā€™ve shunned my conures when theyā€™ve done things like biting too hard when preening me with no issue. Iā€™m sure this will vary upon parrot.

I just wanted to share this encase others ā€œshunā€ their parrots for bad behaviors. My Ekkie didnā€™t take it well at all.
Ten minutes is way too long!
Strongly recommend a single minute as beyond that point, he has lost the reason for you turning your back on him!
I learn something new every day! I have had my macaw for nearly 50 years and am just learning about ā€œshunning.ā€ Luckily my bird is well-behaved 95% of the time and he doesnā€™t hold a grudge when I bust him for his 5% naughtiness.

Sorry to learn about the feather plucking. Your bird has a sensitive soul.
Yep, I agree w/'Boats there - 1 minute - no more, no less. Less and the message doesn't sink in, more and the lesson is lost and the bird might well get emotional or not remember why he was abandoned.
I felt like a horrible human for a few days after this. Then I went out of town yesterday. I was just gone for the day (10 hours). He was in his cage, and my husband checked on him. I took Nico out in the morning before I left. I did some training with him, and had him follow me around for a bit. By the time I got home he had scissored every flight feather off his left wing. Feathers were everywhere.

Iā€™m wondering now if it has to do with hormones, or something elseā€¦

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