Should I separate or are they still getting used to each other?


New member
Apr 21, 2024
Hi, I posted a while ago about introducing a new budgie (Bobby) to my English budgie (Bruno).

Since then they have moved in together and they get along fine (apart from the usual squabbling over food/perches), but I'm a bit concerned that maybe Bobby is getting along too well... and Bruno doesn't like it.

What we are seeing happen a lot lately is Bobby will get in Bruno's face quite aggressively wanting to be fed or tap beaks or whatever. Bruno however is much more chill and just wants to be left alone, so other than the odd time where he does feed him there is quite a lot of 'chasing' going on with Bruno constantly trying to run or fly away from Bobby. Now lately it seems like Bruno has figured out that Bobby will leave him alone if he stays in the cage so he is very reluctant to come out at all (even for millet!)

I was wondering if this is something I should be concerned about as it seems to be restricting Bruno's flying time quite a bit? A lot of advice online says they only need to be separated if they are fighting, but I can't help thinking that I should intervene somehow?

They have been sharing a cage now for ~5-6 weeks.


Gorgeous birds and photos... and good question!

My only thought is maybe to offer Bruno some flight with Bobby caged? I dunno. I do think your analysis is right, though, about Bruno's motivation.
Maybe some budgie folks will have thoughts.
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Hey thanks for your reply! I have been trying to do just that with Bruno but like I say he is reluctant to come out of the cage at the minute.
I managed to film them today, this is an example of what usually happens, this will go on for a while until Bobby gets bored or distracted, but if Bruno then moves from his perch Bobby will go straight back over and start this again. Usually Bruno will get sick of it and try to move away and Bobby will follow him.

Hey thanks for your reply! I have been trying to do just that with Bruno but like I say he is reluctant to come out of the cage at the minute.
I managed to film them today, this is an example of what usually happens, this will go on for a while until Bobby gets bored or distracted, but if Bruno then moves from his perch Bobby will go straight back over and start this again. Usually Bruno will get sick of it and try to move away and Bobby will follow him.

This is exactly what my budgie did to my tiel and exactly what he did moving away.
According to a Budgie-specific forum that I go to (mentioned below), it's possible that they do need time to work out their relationship. One owner tries not to separate birds unless there are bleeding wounds and excessive screeching.

I don't know if this is allowed, but you are welcome to join us at budgerigarsforum[dot]proboards[dot]com for extra advice.
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