Should I go with the Macaw I want?

Trust me guys, it's not like I got this much money just hanging around waiting to be spent. :-p

It's going to take me at least four good years to save up for this. I also need to get a Job and move out of my parents house. LOL

I am finishing my masters degree and looking for a job with no luck. My wife is working and being we have very little bills we can save and have been. We got a house fund we are saving and a furniture fund. This would fall into the furniture fund. So when I do land that job we can be ready to move out and get a home and some furniture we will need. This would count as something we would need. :-p LOL

I had a job until I was laid off, six months after I got married. Go figure. LOL
80 years! WOW. I thought 50!

Well, I hope my children will like it! I already know that if my wife and I die prematurely we would need to worry about it as no one in my family would care for it.

How would I go about protecting the future of my bird? If I don't have kids and the unthinkable does happen before my time? Is there a way to leave it in my will that the bird be given up free to a person that can take care of it? Same thing for my Conure! I am a little concerned because if we were to die it would not be taken care of properly by my family because he hates everyone and because of that they hate him. :-p
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I wish you the best of luck in your job hunt! I personally know how tough times are at the moment in the job market.

Good for you for being able to save money while living with your parents. Hey, there is NO shame in that. I know darn well that my youngest will move right back home when he is done with college. I want him to, so he can save up money, too - and help pay back tuition.

As for not knowing what to do with your fids in case of a catastrophy, do you know anyone who is a bird nut? Someone who would be willing AND honored to take in your fids?
No, I don't know any bird nut. We are kind of on our own. :-p

Thanks for your support! I know the job that is right for me will come. The good thing is my wife and I both paid off our college. :-p Only down side she did not finish, so when I get a Job she needs to go back and finish.
I personally am not a fan of acrylic cages unless they are used for the poop squirt-er type birds aka lories etc
I know my birds love climbing on all sides of their cages. I was at one point going to get the cages by design type cage and I realized I could get a custom cage they could climb all over on by Cages Limited with no acrylic and the great thing about their cages is you can add to them. So you get another bird? No biggy purchase some new panels you are set.

I would also caution you on even with a divider putting two birds next to each other. Of course many people do it - I have a double macaw cage like this But you always risk the change of one bird climbing on the divider and the other one deciding it is time to bite off some toes...
And my friend has an acrylic cage and she has to wash it and wipe out the inside of the cage walls 2-3 times a day and macaws end up scratching the acrylic pretty quickly too so it wont be pretty normally very long.
I agree, rescue/adopting a bird is great because they are older. I have two very long lived species, I know of several galahs in their upper 60's and one who is in it's 70's and still doing great. African Greys are also very long lived with a lifespan of 50+ years.

So what do I do? Find birds around my age ;) my galah is probably older than me, and my grey is only 3 years younger than me. I'm happy knowing we will live out our lives together.

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