Should I give my parrot white chalk?


Sep 26, 2015
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Koni (ring-necked parakeet)
I have a ring-necked parakeet (African or Indian, probably African) and he always nibbles and chews on stuff. Should I give him white chalk? I couldn't really find anything about this on the forum or anywhere on google and I need to know if it's good or bad for him. I have the same "sticks" of white chalk like in the picture.
I would not. Give him bird safe wood to chew.
Nope, I wouldn't.
When both of my birds get chewy, they like to destroy pinecones. They'll also destroy icecream sticks and throw around bottle tops with glee.
I would not. There's lots of safer choices.
Apart from the reasons given above, chalk releases dust when broken, which he might breathe in. Go for bird-safe wood :)
You might be thinking that you should because you have seen others who seem to be doing this. Many types of avian mineral blocks resemble white chalk, but they are in fact very very different. Safe, clean, chemical free wood is a much better option, please do not allow your bird to eat chalk.

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