Should I buy another Kakariki?


New member
Jul 26, 2013
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South Australia
1 male Cockatiel
Hiya, very very long time no see,

Due to family circumstances i had to let go of all my parrots minus 1, my lovely 5 year old male Kakariki 'Hayaku'.

He is not hand tame but loves attention, and is getting rather lonely outside.

It would seem no one is getting any females from clutches at the moment, so i was thinking of getting a young male (8 weeks old, fully weaned) as a buddy for my Hayaku.

Hayaku is a very friendly bird, but I'm not 100% if i should get another male.

Your thoughts?:33:
I would only get another bird if you have the money and effort to sustain another . Getting another bird FOR another bird cab quickly may make things worse.
I would only get another bird if you have the money and effort to sustain another . Getting another bird FOR another bird cab quickly may make things worse.

We do and can so that's not a problem. It's just with the other birds that had to go (not due to finances), we had an odd number of birds so inevitably Hayaku ended up alone. But he did previously have our children always around him. However in a sick turn of events, put simply, an ill family member had our children illegally taken from us. They are ok and are coming back, but we don't know when.

Since the time i would normally spend chatting away to him is now spent on documenting and investigating other things, which will continue for many months, and the fact that i cannot let go of Hayaku, but he needs a companion.

I hope that wasn't too much information? Just trying to draw a relatively simple and accurate picture of the reasoning behind asking the question, if that makes sense?
The usual advice will apply no matter what the circumstances:

Only get a second bird if *you* want one and can take care of it.

It would be great if your other bird takes a liking to it, but do not count on it happening for sure.
I personally think right now considering everything going on with the children right now it may not be best to get another friend. Things are turbulent and there's a lot of unknown and a lot of very important things happening right now you need to focus on that adding another parrot to the mix could very well become overwhelming
Welcome back, sorry to hear of the disharmony.

I'm not sufficiently familiar with Kakarikis to give sage advice. But you are an experienced parront and will be able to evaluate the cost and personal time needed to keep Hayaku happy.
Hi, Liana! Good to see you, again!

I'm so sorry to hear that your children were taken from you. I'm hoping that situation is reversed as quickly as possible. I can't even imagine how painful it would be for me to be separated for any length of time from my sons. Heartfelt prayers going out for you and your family.

Okay, on to your question. Personally, I am of a mind with Triggs on this one. By your own account your life is rather hectic at the moment and will likely remain in that state for the next few months. And in fact, you appear to have little time for the one kakariki that you do have at the moment. So why not wait until things settle in your life once again? Sure, several more months may pass in the interim, but what is a wait of months as compared to the decades of time a commitment to a new bird would entail?

Once things have settled again, you'll be in a far better position to take on additional birds. Know what I mean?

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