Should I be worried - Mishka

Thinking of the way Mishka said it, it seems like he considers your going to the hospital a positive thing-- so maybe it would be to visit someone, or for some other pleasant purpose. If Mishka were anticipating something unpleasant about the hospital visit, I would imagine he would sound unhappy about it.

I agree with you, they way Mishka saying it is.... in a positive way ;)

When our caretaker was in hospital Mishka sounded so sad even asking why.......

[ame=]BEST TALKING PARROT IN THE WORLD MISHKA - Is Concerned About Jenny - YouTube[/ame]
I would drop over hearing my birds say that to me.... :eek::eek::eek:

Watch yourself Ant!!!! Perhaps have Mishka with you so he can protect you!!!

Thanks Michael

Mishka is safer here at home than going out to protect me ;)
Oh my lord!!! I would probably freak out!!! I seems you have a physic bird. Let's just hope it's a positive hospital visit!!! Take care of your self!!!

Mishka sure seems physic and has proved it time and time again :eek:

So far all is "normal" :)


Uhhhh..that's pretty freaky!! Mishka is the next Sylvia Brown!! Hahaha
But seriously, I'm curious why you're going to the hospital- hopefully it's something positive!

Better not let Mishka hear that he is the next Sylvia Brown, he might begin charging me LoL :22:

Perhaps I am going in to be re-modeled like a car :D


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