Should I? Another parrot or not?


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Apr 22, 2010
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Merlin & Charlie (Senegals)
Hey all, I've been considering getting another bird for a while now, some of you know I'd been considering a macaw/african grey, but it's just so unsuitable for a 'friend' for Merlin, which is one of the top reasons I'd like another bird.

For the past few months I've been debating about whether to get a Meyers or a IRN. (I really like the silver/grey ones). & I (without my other half knowing) put an advert on "preloved" saying that I'm looking at adopting one.

I wanted a Meyers because they're similar to senegals (except less highly strung) so thought it'd be a nice 'match' and they could eventually (depending ofc) be caged together. I would love a little Meyers, they're not exactly high maintenance and I think I could handle having another :)

The IRN... well, arn't they just adorable? I'd really like one for a ton of reasons, they are likely to learn a few phrases, they're clown like and cuddly and just little characters. I feel that I'd be much happier 'myself' if I were to get an IRN, (Meyers breeders/rescues are beyond difficult to find!) but they'd both get loved either way... I just think I'd be more likely to "settle" with an IRN and be less eager to get yet another parrot... but who knows.

My other half is worried that Merlin will be less bonded to us if we got another parrot, but I don't think I'd mind tooooo much because Merlin would be happy and with company when people are out working etc. I'm ill at the moment and so I can spend a lot of time with him and he's very very clingy - flock calling when i leave etc. Just normal bird stuff really, but I think he'd be much happier having another parrot around.

So... I'm not sure what I'm asking, your thoughts on us getting another parrot? Would you recommend an IRN or Meyers?

I had someone respond to my advert saying they've got a Green IRN "Porky" whos 13mnth old and he'd be £120 with cage and toys (and not TOO far travel). They said he is semi -tame (so probably cage bound and nippy, but hey, I can work with that).

Well, after my BCC died, my Nanday welcomed the amazon with no problems. She also welcomed the Grey and loves to chat with her and try to do her imitations. So at least she doesn't mind having other species here. I know some people suggested to me that South American birds don't understand African birds and vice versa, but they all seem to enjoy each other.

Your baby may be jealous at first of the new bird though. When I first brought the BCC home, Rowdy was very, very jealous and didn't want her here. But, they eventually became friends and when Bri died, Rowdy got depressed. She got worse each day instead of better and I knew I had to get another bird friend for her.

I think Rowdy could have been perfectly happy as an only bird until she got used to having another around.
Having several birds of different species has never been a problem for me. Most important is to watch their interactions, and act accordingly. You should let the birds know that you love each of them. If you see jealousies, keep those birds apart. I often have 2 or 3 birds on me at any given time. The ones that don't act nice to each other are handled seperately. Also, jealous birds are taken into other rooms where they cannot see each other, and don't feel threatened. At this time, very few of my birds are buddies. But, they all tolerate each other. Though I have had interspecies bondings in the past. As flock leader, they'll take their cues from you. It's up to you to manage the flock dynamics.
So you guys think we should go for it? I'm considering bringing Merlin to the persons house and seeing how Merlin reacts to the bird since I'm worried about HIM being the dominent one. So considering doing that and seeing how it pans out.

Hmm... Might just wait until I've saved up more money and got my education sorted, but I'd just rather have him have company whilst others are busy :(
I did keep the 2 conures across the room from each other, and did take them each out seperately for a long time. I knew when Rowdy decided Bri was her friend when she flew over to Bri's cage and they started kissing and preening through the bars. After that I could let them share a play stand. But, I always had to bring Rowdy out first and put her away first. And if I wanted to play and cuddle with Bri, Rowdy had to be in her cage due to jealousy. But, they also loved talking to each other and singing together.

Rowdy does seem to have this idea that the other birds should only be here for her amusement and entertainment, and she does still get jealous when I am playing with another one. So she wants the other birds here for herself, but doesn't want them to be my pets, too.
I have two IRN's (hopefully a breeding pair) and my male I got half tamed when he was two or three years (just before his ring came in). They are adorable and I love my shreky to bits. He has a sense of humour. He can say a few things and he is an absolute clown. The downside to IRN's is thier bluffing phase. They can turn from sweet little angels to nippy little ratbags. If you can take the nips and call thier bluff without a big reaction then they go back to being awesome. Also, they are curious little creatures so use that to train them. Eat in front of them and they will come to you and try and take it out of your hands. Carrot works well for this cause they can only take small bites therefore have to stay close to you and get used to you. Also, they are garbage disposals. Shrek and Fi eat whatever I give them and they started off as seed eaters. They are worth the effort but the bluffing can give them a bad rap as pets.
financially not a great idea, but for the long run, now is the perfect time, as they can get use to each other, etc and when you finish your studies and need to be out working, they will have each other as company
Senegals do not take well to other birds coming into the house. They are notorious for wanting to be the only bird in the roost. So, take this in mind before adding another bird. Tiki reminds me of this every time I pick her up after handling Mac if I don't allow a good 15 minutes in between handling them. Her bites turn from pinches to vicious bites.

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