Should I adopt a 3 year old Timneh African Gray?


New member
Aug 21, 2013
I have never owned a bird before.
Recently I have been searching for a small companion/pet and have seen a few local dogs needing rehomed and that sort of thing. I have always owned dogs. But there is a family that is moving out of state and has to give up their 3 year old female sweetheart. They say she's a dream, never bitten, and learning to talk. I live in a two story apartment with my boyfriend. I just want the company a parrot appears to give. I spend a lot of time home alone as my bf works a much busier schedule than I do. As I have never owned a bird I just want to get a "reality check" if you will from experienced owners. I also understand that it is not polite to say "own" when referring to these birds as you are simply cohabiting the same home as them and they cannot be fully domesticated. I just didnt know how else to word all of this.
Any advice is greatly appreciated.


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The word your looking for is "should I bring a 'fid' into my life?" Fid=feathered kid. Or "should I become a 'parront' "

It's really up to you, parrots are a big commitment but can also be your best friend. They can be aggressive, moody, loud, and some go through pretty intense puberty stage were a lot of birds are re-homed. Once mature they also can have hormonal aggression from winter all the way through spring.

To live with a parrot it helps to be extremely patient. And don't take things personally ;)

Parrots should eat a high quality pellet diet(Harrison's & totally organics are both great brands), with fresh food daily. Their vet bills can be very expensive, and you'll want to research and research to learn as much about parrot care, diet, training, and all things parrots.
:yellow1::white1::grey:well i would adopt her. parrots are as sweet as dogs if not sweeter. i am 10 years old and i own 2 cockatiels one tip (if your bird gets loud cover its cage with a blanket ) friend me on here so i can help you if you want to

Covering the cage when a parrot is loud is a terrible thing to do!!!!! It's a very common and recommended practice though, so don't feel bad that you didn't know better :) But please do not tell people on the forum that that is a good idea.....
these would be the best years in your life, having parrot is really something fantastic as it learn you how to be patient.
enjoy and all best
She's so cute :) if you're ready for a lifetime commitment then go for it! :)
Check and see if you and the bird have a connection. That is the best indicator. I have never gone wrong with that. Are you scared to handle the bird? Can you give it attention daily and respectfully?
On first glance I'd say no. But I think about it and say yes. I got Simba almost 6 years ago and he's awesome. I'm 27 and I work. It's kind of like having a kid. When you first think about it you think it's a bird but you soon realize that they're not just birds. They become your child, Kind of, and as we all know they aren't something you can get and kick out in a few years. They become your family and them yours. It's a big responsibility, not saying that a dog isn't though. It's just different. Parrot are more sensitive to their environment, need more stimulation than dogs, too. It's true, bills are expensive. Dogs show when they're sick. Birds don't. So you have to keep a close on them and their behavior to catch anything. I don't want to defer you from this bird, but just think about the big responsibility it'll be. If you can handle a friend for 25 years or more of constant attention then yes. I wouldn't trade Simba for even 100.000! From being a pet to being probably one of my best friends. He's funny, has a good personality, cuddly and sweet but also has his bad days.... And his bad moods... They're very much human! Let us know what you do. ^_^ and we're all here to help on the forum! I can't tell you how many times I've posted in forums for help. The community is awesome. :)

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