Casper223 said:
"Although I haven't found a solution to keeping Zoey entertained in the event of outdoor activities, and so I'm looking very hard at your link, and trying to figure out the details now for possibly incorporating that flight cage onto my patio, for her to remain close when the family is outdoors."
Casper223 said:
You are doing great Casper223. I bet you can hardly wait to bring Zoey home
. With respect to the outdoor activities, how about an aviator harness? She can be with you outside with 'no worries mate'
. Wondering at what age you would start harness training with her? I haven't looked that up as Ellie was already 2-3 years old when she flew in. We started harness training as soon as it arrived in the post.
I have downloaded a book on my Kindle and Scott may know the Author....The Title is "
A Guide To Owning fully flighted pet birds" by Summer Light, She's a breeder in San Diego. It discusses how to go about this task, using an aviator harness, and free flight. It's about a 30 minute read, however I've been so busy with other things going on, and trying to prepare for Zoey, I haven't read it yet, but I will. In going outside, I think it would be nice to place Zoey in a Harness, I'm however not sold at all on the free flight though. I know our Sonny love to be outside with family, but remained in a cage for his safety, and it seemed Sonny really enjoyed his outside time, often getting pretty loud and rowdy, even louder than the Birthday Party or whatever else we were celebrating. I want Zoey at the heart of the family, both inside and outside, Fresh Air, and lots of activity will do her well. I couldn't imagine a life indoors without being able to go out. So I definitely find the Harness Idea fascinating in theory, but haven't explored the possibilities or what it will take to get her ready, or even at what age to allow her to train. Summer seemed pretty knowledgeable in her training theories.