Shipping birds


New member
Jun 3, 2012
In a pickle. Looking at 2 Moustache parrots - one local, one interstate. The one interstate is considerably cheaper as it is a breeders bird and the other a petshop. Both are similar age and handraised.

Are there any risks or horror stories with shipping? I know nothing about how it works and can't find any info. Are there other risks that make it worth spending the extra for the peace of mind having seen and knowing its healthy and friendly?

I have wondered about this too. I have had fish shipped to me before. I have had 2 great experiences from a great breeder in Hawaii and one horrible experience from an ebay seller in California. They fish arrived alive but died over several days, most of their eyes popping out, the smell was horrible:( I was able to save two of them though only one had both eyes. I think if I were to do it, I would want it done in the spring or fall to avoid temperture extremes.
I work in aviation. The major airlines ship the birds precious cargo and great care is taken. They are not put under the plane with regular luggage and they are loaded last and taken off first and hand carried to the desk. As long as they aren't flying Spirit...your good!
I would go for the baby from the breeder over the one from the pet store. Birds can be shipped via delta or continental, delta just raised their prices so I'd go with continental if possible. It is usually roughly $125 through continental and $175 via delta but these are just averages. If you contact the breeder and give them the name of the airport near you they will be able to get you the exact cost and tell you more about the shipping process. :)
I didn't read the whole thread , but jump down here to respond.If quality is an issue ? cost shouldn't be an issue. Get the best you can afford. Shipping ?? I airfreight and hand deliver. I've bought chickens and such by "over land" freight, and never had a problem , but i don't think i'd ship parrots that way. I drove over 3000 miles to buy a pair of DYHs . Get the best you can afford. PS a "thumbs up " to Delta and Continental they've both done well with me.
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My CAG, Pepper was shipped to me from a rescue. She flew continnental from California to Pennsylvania and did great!
Good to hear, this opens up options for sure!
Yup, I also have shipped and received birds via Delta. All went well. :)
My Cosmo was shipped Delta and he did great ...A lot better than me...I was a nervous wreck

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