LOL, Bosley goes through his moult at this time of year, so yeah she can be!
Technically it's fall but being in Canada I know what you mean, it's starting to get cold.
Our B&G is molting right now as well. He went through a short molt when we first got him as I think his previous diet wasn't quite as nutritious as what he gets now and I think his body went WOW, let's make feathers!! I've lived with a variety of different species and have never noticed it as a seasonal thing, each bird just molts when it molts.
My macaws been molting for awhile now and still replacing feathers. Sometimes it depends on when they were hatched to determine when they start to molt.
Presently have six Greenwing Macaw (17 yo), Red Fronted Macaw (12 yo), Red Lored Amazon (17 y.o.), Lilac Crowned Amazon (about 43 y.o.) and a Congo African Grey (11 y.o.)
Panama Amazon (1 Y.O.)
Thanks for the reassurance everyone! Why is it we panic any time anything seems out of the ordinary with our birds?
Her diet when I got her just a few months ago was terrible. Mostly seed with a few pieces of unidentified pellet in there (looks like pretty bird). The first thing I did was get her on mainly fruits and veggies, zupreem and whole mixed nuts. She looks 10x better than when she came to me, even with all the stress bars on her tail. So maybe the diet change is prompting the moult too? I noticed a lot of pin feathers in her head that I've been preening like crazy. I've stepped up bath time to every other day but it's such a pain since I have to heat up the bathroom and leave her in there to dry.
She'll be a year old next month. I'm thinking birthday bread!
My cockatiels started in May, some started molting before others. I think only two are still in the process of molting, two that started molting later than the others.
Jayde has been molting a couple of weeks after I got her in June! And still going strong! I'm wondering if she'll quit molting for winter! LOL
Charlie didn't really start molting until I think August? Still molting.
The bourke parakeet has lost a few feathers here and there but hasn't been molting like the other birds. For the most part, she's lost tail and flight feathers. Hardly any down or contour feathers.
My B&G is molting and I was worried too. I had never been through a macaw molt and it seemed like she was loosing way too many feathers. She looked like a pin cushion for a while. It is finally starting to mellow out and you can't see near as many pins. It is getting cold here so I am glad to see her molt slowing down. It seemed she molted most of the summer. I was so glad to see this post and see that other B&G's are molting too.