Share selfies of you and your bird !!

By the way, I'm loving this thread! Your photos are all great!

Birdman, it's great to finally see you & the flock. Your babies are beautiful. :)
I finally got Luna to hold still for a selfie!

Shes's so cute!!!!!!!
Still haven't found my favorite selfies but, here a couple more:

Cuddly when wet:

Amazing pics, Mark! After that first one, I must say: You are a brave, brave man!

And yes, I know you're going to say that it's more about trust and proper socializing than about bravery... but that's your EYE, man!!! Lol!
The second one just brings such an automatic smile to my face. Love it!
Lol my husband freaks about Buddy being close to my eye. But he has a fear of beaks too. Do they have a name for beak phobia?
I finally got Luna to hold still for a selfie!


Can't see anything :( just a blank small square. I know what you look like already because of your old avatar and back tattoo pic, but I'd like to have seen another pic of the beautiful cinnamon turquoise Luna with you :)
Never mind... I see it now. Don't know what happened on my end.
Never mind... I see it now. Don't know what happened on my end.

Silly photobucket was probably having issues. I'm glad it's working again. :)
Oh man. This is what happens when you try and smile nice for a picture with a bird, I swear...

PS: Everyone else's photos are GREAT! Love them :)

Great pic! Looks like Avery is going Dental! Lol! (Sorry. Couldn't resist. :p)
Oh man. This is what happens when you try and smile nice for a picture with a bird, I swear...

PS: Everyone else's photos are GREAT! Love them :)

Captain Jack seems to want to be a dentist too! I am of the assumption parrots have obsession with teeth.
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After bath snuggles with our newly adopted Sun...Sunny...he's 3 years old, we adopted him just over 3 months ago. He's soo amazing!


And I couldn't leave out Frankie (our green cheek) and Belle, our pigeon. I had NO IDEA pigeons would make such fabulous pets! This pic was taken a couple years ago...I was talking to my daughter on the phone. Both Belle and Franklin are also 3 years old this year. :)

Amazing pics, Mark! After that first one, I must say: You are a brave, brave man!

And yes, I know you're going to say that it's more about trust and proper socializing than about bravery... but that's your EYE, man!!! Lol!

Maggie shoves her beak in my eyeball like that all the time, then she grabs my nose with her beak, and turns my head, and does the other eyeball...

If I'm wearing sunglasses, she's been known to fling them off my face and shove her tongue in my eyeball...

The only time it's bad is when Sarah feeds them hot peppers without telling me as a practical joke... We call that one the "flaming frenchie." OMG IT BURNS!
Nakiska, those are some amzing pics! That first one is completely endearing! And that second one seems more like a captured moment than a posed for picture. Nice! And how unexpected was that pigeon! Lol!

And Mark, it sounds like your daughter has a rather wicked sense of humor! "Flaming Frenchie" indeed! Haha! Tell you what, though. Pray she never tries that trick with true Jamaican Scotch Bonnet peppers. You'd live to regret it... barely.
Ohhhhh Birdman...I almost died laughing about the "flaming frenchie" It's not funny...but then's sooo funny!

Thinking about it makes my eyes burn and water!

Anansi - thank you! And actually, neither were actually posed, both just candid shots in the moment with the sheer luck of having camera and or cell phone handy. :) Our pigeon and Franklin or conure were about a year old in that picture. Belle I rescued from the "big city" over 100 miles away. He was injured and couldn't walk or fly and was missing all but 4 of his tail feathers. I tossed a shirt over him, he snuggled down into my lap and slept all the way home.

We had to stop off at a feed store to find out what to feed him and then they only sold pigeon feed in 50 pound bags!! I was don't even know if this pigeon will survive the night.

At first I was convinced he was a She, which is why his name is Belle...from Bellevue Washington....and he was young, less then 6 months old when I found him. The pigeon forums call them "squeekers" because of the sound they make as babies.

Belle, thrived in our care, tamed down in about 3 weeks time and although we had every intention of releasing him when he could fly...he had no desire to leave us. So we have a flight suit, he walks along like a dog, my nieces totally get a kick out of walking him, he plays with toys, loves bells, coo's and dances and humps anything white! His current favorite being a paint roller! Hahahaha!!

My husband and I have always enjoyed watching pigeons in the city when we go there...but since rescuing Belle we now watch them in a entirely new light.

This is such a fun thread. I know we have the member mugshots but there is inherently something funny about selfies of people with their pet people. :) And perhaps I feel vindicated because I snap so many selfies with my pets........
Toni, thanks for sharing that about Belle. It was so interesting! Cute how he walks around in a flight suit and plays with bells and toys! I LOVE THAT!! :D that picture is perfect!

Three weeks seems so quick to tame down, but thinking about how Pigeons are, even the wild ones aren't too afraid of humans (especially with food)!
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