Sewing machine oil accident


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2024
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Within chirping distance
Ollie McBudgie the Fluffinator
I feel terrible! I was cleaning Ollie's cage and he spooked. Of course he landed in the worst possible place. Right by the sewing machine oil bottle which had leaked on the outside. :eek: I don't grab him unless I have to, but I did this time, and immediately wiped him off with a paper towel. I didn't see any oil on him, but still...I then wash one perturbed birdie off with Seventh Generation dish soap and gave him a good rinse. I hope that's enough...I didn't do the top of his wings. Just his feet and underside. I hope that was enough... should I go back and do his top side?
THE detergent for any oil, grease or other contaminants on birds is original, unscented DAWN. Anything else is an unknown, and possibly bad for your bird or worse. Scented anything has no business being anywhere near your parrot.

Take it from an owner of a mayonnaise covered parrot - DAWN. Take it from 1000's of recovered, oil soaked sea birds. Dawn.

And keep in mind that machine oil is pretty nasty. A single teaspoon full can ruin a whole ship's water supply. Make sure you get it all. Me, I'd wash the whole parrot. They are always putting feet into their mouths and preening legs etc.
THE detergent for any oil, grease or other contaminants on birds is original, unscented DAWN. Anything else is an unknown, and possibly bad for your bird or worse. Scented anything has no business being anywhere near your parrot.

Take it from an owner of a mayonnaise covered parrot - DAWN. Take it from 1000's of recovered, oil soaked sea birds. Dawn.

And keep in mind that machine oil is pretty nasty. A single teaspoon full can ruin a whole ship's water supply. Make sure you get it all. Me, I'd wash the whole parrot. They are always putting feet into their mouths and preening legs etc.
I washed everything but his head ...unscented Dr Bronner's seemed better than scented Kirkland Ultra shine. He seems to be okay-playing and eating- but tired from the ordeal of being held and having two forced baths. I wouldn't be able to get Dawn until tomorrow...
Likely at this point he maybe fine. BUT, as Wrench stated, Machine oil is one of the worst as it is very thin and quickly penetrated feathers, skin and legs.

And, as Wrench has stated, it's the only detergent used to remove oil from wild life and especially Birds! It should be a standard in your home: DAWN, original formula.
How's poor Ollie's attitude after getting washed? I suppose he's pretty unhappy but you had to do it! I've never had to wash a budgie other than naked babies with formula all over them. Not even sure how to do it. Do you dunk him in soapy water?
He played and napped and ate dinner. He's itchy but he's always itchy. The poor guy's been molting since I got him with continuous spikey pin feathers. I'm trying to find a solution to that. I banana grabbed him and immediately wiped his feet and underside with a wet paper towel I had thankfully sitting there from drying his cage. Then I mixed warm water with seventh generation fragrance free dish soap and poured it on his underside and feet. Rinsed under running water. The second all over bath I put some unscented Dr. Bronner's in warm water and poured it all over everything except his head with a cup. Did this a few times. Rinsed under running water. Poor thing was quite distressed. Wrapped him in a towel and hugged him by the heater for 30 minutes because it was 63 degrees in here and I needed the place to get warm before I released him. I live by myself and have no car. I have no one who could or would rush to the store for a little bird. I hope he'll be okay...I looked up Dr. Bronner's and they have a picture of it being used to wash a chicken. I just hope it was enough. For better or worse...
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Don't worry. You did the best you could in an emergency and I think you did great. Just keep him warm until he's dry. He'll have a lot of preening to do tomorrow. I'm really impressed with how devoted you are to Ollie! In all the years I've had budgies and other birds, I have never actually had to wash one with soap and water other than the vent area and that was bad enough.
Trust me Donna, not a fun thing for either party. My little Max got into a Mayo jar and was a mess. THing is you have to go exceedingly slowly and gently, but deeply and very thoroughly. ANd keep away from eyes and earholes.
I didn't really scrub him...but I think I got lucky and he only got it on his feet because he's fine this morning. Scrubbing a squirming bird with a tiny head is not for the faint of heart, or a beginner. Lesson learned though. Never leave sewing machine oil out.
Don't worry. You did the best you could in an emergency and I think you did great. Just keep him warm until he's dry. He'll have a lot of preening to do tomorrow. I'm really impressed with how devoted you are to Ollie! In all the years I've had budgies and other birds, I have never actually had to wash one with soap and water other than the vent area and that was bad enough.
He let me feed him green beans and didn't turn his back so I think he must be a very forgiving little soul.
Sewing machine oil comes in a small bottle with a very narrow tip. You said he landed by the bottle that had leaked on the outside—probably less than half of one tiny drop leaked on the entire bottle. You couldn’t even see oil on his feathers. You think maybe a tiny bit on his feet. This is not like your bird was drenched in oil from a tanker! Do not panic. Do not freak out. You washed him. All is good.
My tiel decided to land into my bowl of barbecue sauce

I understand that a freaked out parrot really knows the worst place to land

Dawn is something I always stock up
Yaaay that the fella is all good! I once had a baby cockatiel fly into a fly trap. THAT was a nightmare to clean up! Our burbs sure know how to stress us out sometimes! LOL!
It certainly made me more paranoid about everything. I might have laid awake trying to anticipate what else he could get into.
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