severe Macaw

I hate that the bird store(s) I go to (same owner owns 4 stores), always has a TON of Severe babies. I think he might breed them? Always a bunch available seems like most of the year. They're beautiful birds in person, but definitely not for everyone. Even those juveniles in the store, some have attitude and bite pretty hard already.

The fact that we always see them, and some of them are cuddly makes hubby want one :eek:... He is an inexperienced bird person. He only knows how to play with and handle a friendly or tolerant bird, but knows nothing (despite what I tell him) about bird behavior. Ugh.. He's not actually going to purchase one anytime soon, but the only other species he's interested in is a YNA... and that's because I said flat out no to a cockatoo! I fear that when the time comes for the purchase, he will try to insist upon an inappropriate species for himself (and our household) :eek:
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I ADORE napes, but they are not exactly known for their timid, mild mannered personalities either... Amazons take behavior knowledge.

Pretty much the opposite of that...

Actually, a Galah might not be a bad choice. They're not that bad. I would certainly consider it.

Show him Karen's pictures of ZOE, that ought to help interest him in another species... :D WENDY HAS TWO BABY BLUE THROATS AVAILABLE!!!

Yeah, I can be evil sometimes. :p

If he brings home a severe, and you uber socialize it, they can be good birds. Most folks love it when they do the super-bonded stuff (instead of discouraging it by sharing the wealth with others) and then you get a bird that only one person can handle...

And they are cuddly with THAT person.

No one else can get near them without getting bit.
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Ohh you ARE evil Mark!! I will NOT show it to him lol!

You know... About 10 years ago I was "this" close to getting a BTM and almost had all the money and was on a wait list before backing out. I am glad I did, as gorgeous of a bird a BTM is to drool over, a Macaw is just not right for me and my life personally (and hubby even moreso). Not back then, not now, and probably not ever. Hey, at least I realize it, right?! I've made mistakes in the past, as do many long time parrot owners, but thankfully the birds I've rehomed now have an excellent home, and I stopped BEFORE I became a serial rehomer thank goodness. Nowdays I know what species I truly click with :). Instead of bigger, I have been going smaller and smaller more recently LOL... Now I want more Budgies!
Anyone happening to read through this thread is probably think, "gosh, Severes and 2s sound like awful birds."

Please don't take it that way. These are "expert' level birds, and are fantastic in the right hands.

As a bird lover, i don't want the perception delivered, that one is superior to another. However, it is a fact that some birds aren't for beginner's or intermediate owners.

We felt comfortable enough taking a laid back B&G Mac home after months and months and months of research and interacting with different individuals. I think i'd double that time and prep into a severe.
Anyone happening to read through this thread is probably think, "gosh, Severes and 2s sound like awful birds."

Please don't take it that way. These are "expert' level birds, and are fantastic in the right hands.

As a bird lover, i don't want the perception delivered, that one is superior to another. However, it is a fact that some birds aren't for beginner's or intermediate owners.

We felt comfortable enough taking a laid back B&G Mac home after months and months and months of research and interacting with different individuals. I think i'd double that time and prep into a severe.

Exactly!!! Absolutely!!!

It is a socialization issue... You get one of these guys you have to do the work. If they aren't allowed to overbond, and don't get away with picking and choosing to go to just one person... then they're good birds.

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