Senegal Personality

My Sennie is super quite. Snoopy calls me if I am in the other room not by screaming. Snoopy says Snoopy or baby when I am in the other room. He vocalizes the most when he is in the car. He loves to go with me around town. The best way to describe a Sennie is that they are a mix between a cat and a jealous spouse. I mentioned cat because they are very slow thinking and slow moving. Jealous spouse because they can not stand to share you with another bird or human. They are very loyal. When they talk they have such a sweet innocent voice. In my opinion they are the best Poi to have. Peace to all.

You must not have a cat or have been around many, we have 5 cats and there are times i'd swear they got into cat nip and tear *** through the house like they got a rocket up it. thats far from slow moving. As for slow thinking pull out a laser light, they can track that without a prob. also if they can hunt mice, birds and rodents that calls for intelligence.
Maybe a red-belly would be a better choice for new bird owners? Mine has been pretty much a dream. That said, we just have a chinchilla and a fish tank in the house, and no children. We spend all our free time with him, and we have worked VERY hard on training and hand taming. I think you get out what you put in. He is really quiet though, he has never bit me hard enough to bleed, even when he is really angry. He can be independent, but also loves to snuggle/play with us, loves trick training, and adores company. He is a real show off when people visit and will go to anyone as long as we are in the room. I have no real complaints.
In all honesty, these personal experiences of Sennies having split personalities is sort of turning me off the species! :( I understand that each bird is individual and even if I do get a Blue-Headed Pionus, he/she could turn out to be noisy and have an attitude problem. I have a friend who has a Sennie and he is absolutely good as gold!

The breeder who I am speaking to about buying a baby Sennie next year hand rears her babies in a family environment with dogs, cats and children. Is this likely to lend to a kind-natured Sennie?

I'm mainly looking at Sennies and BH Pionus still; does anyone know any Red-Bellied breeders in England, UK?

Thanks!! :o
They're awesome.

15 years ago, I bought one. She was 9 months old at the time. She could step up on command but bit, hence my getting a price discount.

Once she realized he got much more attention when she didn't bite, Zoe quickly became amicable. She was a quick learner. And as she got to know me in general, any biting did become minimal. She may have picked up the habit from the breeder (even in the best of times, a bad habit can form, and the other sennie he had at the time did not bite...)

5 years later, Zoe started to learn how to talk and would say "I love you".

She was very sweet and cuddly and ever so trusting, and would imitate any number of noises. Even the fire alarm... :eek: Which is hilarious because they really are quiet and safe for apartments; even mimicking the fire alarm wasn't louder than the real thing.

She died 5 years ago. :( Aspergillosis being the cause; she would often get peanuts in the shell as a treat. Obviously I don't feed raw peanuts to my fids any longer... :( :(

But they make AWESOME companions. I hope you can find a breeder; there aren't as many anymore, and in this so-called economy I don't expect many to start up such ventures... :(

Apart from sennies, a pionus makes for a very quiet pet.

My green cheeks and blue crown all stay at the same volume level, but their vocalizing and sounds just aren't the same. Especially when Zoe cooed...
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We've had our Senegal, Safari, just about a month now. she's about 3 months old, and great in every way. My 10 year old daughter picks her up like she's nothing, flips her around, hangs her upside down, lays her on her back without so much as a nip, a very tolerant bird, I must say.

she steps up out of her cage, lets me remove her bowl while she is eating, without so much as a peep from her. she'll sit on my shoulder for hours watching T.V, loves being scratched, and gives kisses. A LOT of 'out of cage' time makes a huge difference in their attitude....and I mean for more than 1/2 the day. If I only spend 5 minutes here and there with her she seems quite happy with that routine, she gets more one on one at night time.

Having said that...and yes we are very lucky so far, her gentle behaviour could be due to being so young, personally I'm waiting for the day when she decides to go wham!, and lay into my finger, but that hasn't happened yet.

Very little noises come from her, even when she is displeased. The only thing I don't care about her is that she does not get along with any of my lovebirds, cockatiels, or conures...she'd rather have them for lunch, lol.
I am extremely happy with Safari, she fits right into our family, and is wonderful!
We have had Baby for about 6 months maybe more. Baby is daddys bird. He can handle her any way he wants and she(?) doesn't put up much of a fuss. Doesn't like being laid on her back though. Starts shivering and shaking like he is going to eat her or something. Me and baby are another story. It is my fault because I don't pay much attention to her as we have 7 fids in all, and i just don't make it round to her much. Lately I have decided to change that, and baby is not sure how to take it. She has always stepped up for me and gives me no trouble while we walk to the playroom. Baby is very active and the more toys to hang on the better. Baby got one good bite on me one time which was entirely my fault. But I still go to her and try to handle her. Her favorite thing to do now is to nip my fingers while i am walking her to the playgym so i do the "earthquake" move, dropping my arm down suddenly and raising it back. One day it annoyed her and she immediately tried again so this time i turned her upside down and back up. That did the trick. She was entirely refocased on what just happened insted of lets annoy mommy, lol. She still won't let me give scritches but behaves well, takes treats nicely and always steps up. Not quite a year but close. Not sure if baby is a girl or boy yet but leaning on her being a girl as the breast bone is becomeing more prominent.

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