Senegal eats foreeeevvveerr

When you say beans... does lentils fall in the seed category or bean? DON'T LAUGH (go ahead, laugh).
Also sweet potato must be cooked? Is there a reason why?
What about corn on the cob, do you cook that or just wash it and give it to them raw?
No, I do not have a scale. I was not sure if I should get the kind from walmart or if the kind with the perch is what I needed

I weigh Kiwi on the kitchen scale (the flat digital kind). Plop him down on it and give him a couple kisses (which takes just long enough for the weight to register and me to glance at it). Alternatively, you could plop her down, give her a treat and let her eat it while being weighed:) Juveniles weight can fluctuate a bit, but I have never seen a HEALTHY adult birds fluctuate more than a few grams here and there. Kiwi's weight is so consistent, I only weigh him once a week these days (used to weight him every few days).

Oh, and on the topic of food, grains and beans should be either cooked or sprouted but never served uncooked/unsprouted. Veggies and fruit should never be cooked. They loose nutritional value when cooked, get soggy and there's just no need (an exception some people make are starchy foods like sweet potatoes because they make a mash their birds eat).
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SCALE CAME! Gollum is 111g and 13 weeks old today!

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