senegal diet


New member
Oct 25, 2009
hello everyone, I might be buying a senegal parrot off craigslist, i know i know, but the guy is very friendly and i talked to him over the phone and he seems to know what hes doing. i asked him what he was feeding the senegal to make sure he wasnt being malnurished or anything, this is what he told me, "i give him hartsmountain parrot food" supllemented with fresh fruits and berries. does that sound good for a senegal diet? i havent found the parrot food yet, im still looking.please let me know what you think
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wheres your list of reccomended foods? if i just change his diet would he get stressed and maybe get ill?
There are a few theads that talk about food options. My recommendations are Harrisons, Zupreem, or RoudyBush pellets. Of course these would be supplemented with fresh fruits and and veggies.

There are certainly many other good parrot foods and that Hartz one looks reasonably good. Is it worth changing? That can depend on several issues but usually parrots can be transitioned to a new food without TOO MUCH fuss, though there is some. Of course consider the nutritional value of the food, but also the availability: I feed Zupreem and I have been extreemly happy with it, as has Auggie. How did I decide on Zupreem over the other top brands available? Well, it was more available. I can pick up a bag of Zupreem at any decent pet store while Harrisons is mainly sold by vets and RoudyBsuh I might have to order online.

I'm also a big follower of the adage if it aint broke dont fix it. If the senegal likes the Hartz food and he is healthy then I wouldn't bother changing it. If he doesn't seem to eat well, or his feathers are in poor condition, or he is otherwise in sub-par health then I'd look for other foods. He's going to be facing enough changes as it is - if you need to change his food I'm sure he will deal with it, but if you don't need to change it then why throw his life off any more?
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thats true, his feathers are really shiny and he looks healthy, im going to bring him to a vet to make sure. he also gets apples,pineapple,pomoganate and a few other fresh fruits to help his feathers and vitamins.

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