Send good vibes please..


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2015
Amy a Blue Front 'Zon
Jonesy a Goffins 'Too who had to be rehomed :-(

And a Normal Grey Cockatiel named BB who came home with me on 5/20/2016.
...for little Beebers...As soon as his doc opens this morning I have to make an appointment. I'm get real concerned now. His poo isn't right..its almost ALL water/clear liquid with a tad of "green" in it. I think he might be drinking too much,but I've only been able to catch him once drinking and it was just three sips,but his water bowl looks awful low for just a 24 hour period..I don't think it would evaporate THAT much :confused:

He is acting fine..very active,chatty..twittly..yells a lot :rolleyes: and he is eating fine. I've stopped giving him fruit/veggies just to cut down on the moisture ( he doesn't eat that much anyway,unless its off MY plate).

Its freaking me out..c'mon doc...hurry up and open up!

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Got an 11:00am appt. tomorrow.

It's so hard to wait for those appointments. I hope everything checks out okay for your little Beebers, Jim. Does your little guy bathe in his water bowl? Just thinking, sometimes a good soak can cause watery poops. Please keep us updated.
Jim sorry to hear about little BB and hope he is OK. Just a little tip please go back to the very basics in feeding him, avoid your food, treats, I don't need to tell you do I? Good luck with BB's doc.
I know tomorrow won't come soon enough, Jim. Hope Beebs does well today and has an uneventful doc visit. Please keep us informed!
Hope Beebs is OK! :51:

How long has his poop been this way? I've had my tiels poop be super watery before (was clear in color... with no green in it or white) for at least a couple of days (or was it for one day only, I don't remember) and then it was fine if that's any comfort to you as you wait.

'Nut and Rascal send their best wishes to little BB!
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'Nut predicts Beebs poop will be back to normal by tomorrow :D

Try not to panic... my tiels have had clear watery poop many times before (I guess it's called polyuria)... it was always temporary though.
sending all good thoughts to you and BB.
Hope everything turns out alright, Jim. Hopefully beebs just got a little extra water from somewhere and nothing is wrong. Keep us updated.

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Sending good vibes and it all goes well. I know when Baby has watery poop it's mostly from water consumption but starts to be solid once he eats more.
C'mom Big Beebs! All my best poop vibes coming your way.

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Beebs says thanks folks for all the wishes!

I just got in from work and he went into his normal morning ritual..singing and twittling and calling for me at the top of his little air sac :)

He goes to the Doc at 11am. He's acting fine.As active and vocal as usual.
I let him and Amy out as soon as I got settled and fixed them a kind of "special" brekky.

I scrambled two eggs,well done,melted in a small piece of cheese,and mixed in two teaspoons of corn nibs and sweet peas.. I also put in a small amount of coconut oil and 2 teaspoons of baby food sweet 'taters.

I then made some oatmeal..ya ya my was with "cinnamon and spices",but I only gave that to Amy,coz she has a sweet beak and likes it...and I don't do it often!
I also cooked some Ramen noodles,minus the "flavor" packet :rolleyes: Also a couple hunks of red pepper and 2 pineapple chunks (for Amy)

Now BB won't eat this stuff when its in HIS bowl..he'll only try new things if the bowl/plate is in front of ME..I guess he thinks he's having brekky/brunch with me..but with my goofy work schedule,and my bad eating habits,it's difficult to do this.

So I put his bowl down on my desk here and he jumped right on it,and dug into the scrambled eggs like there is no tomorrow..that beaky of his was going a mile a minute.
He is now sitting on my shoulder,preening himself and my beard.
Even though he is acting fine..I'm still freaking out over his watery poo.
I'll let everyone know what his Doc thinks.

I told amy she can go for the ride with us if she give BB some moral support..she agreed ;)


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