

New member
Dec 6, 2006
Albany, NY
Cricket -C.A.G
Ok I have to ask.
I would love to have Cricket any where I can but thats no possible with the poop factor. Yesterday we were having a little fun on my lap... running back and forth.... stealing the whole bag of cheese bites :D ... she started to have so much fun that she was progressing off the "poop" towel. Now my poor little black couch has little mess stains
I have been cleaning up every drop she make on the floor and else where but but they were either hard wood floors or in a situation where I could have news paper down to control the mess.
Now I don't care about the couch, I clean it up the best I can. I am worried about the health issue with the dropping and how I can teach her not to "go"
I have heard of ways to do it, but never the process of the training.

Any help?
I have heard of ways to do it, but never the process of the training.

The main way is when they lower their tail all ready, you need to hold the tail up slightly and take them to where ever it is you are training her to "go". Sounds easy and it is..................... as long as you can catch them before they actually poop. :D

Also have you tried "Mr Muscle Orange Action All purpose wipes" They work wonders on little accidents. If you can get them try using them on a bit of fabric that is out of the way just in case they do some harm to the couch. I've been using them ever since we got Bucc, and they have never damaged our couch, but better safe than sorry.
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:D Haha, I call it the potty dance:D

little squat, wiggle and "gunt"

I can't help but laugh every time.. until I see the mess
:eek: So much out of such a little behind
:D Haha, I call it the potty dance:D

little squat, wiggle and "gunt"

I can't help but laugh every time.. until I see the mess
:eek: So much out of such a little behind

Herc, does the same little potty dance.

But, I'm trying to get Herc to say, 'Oh, that's hard work!' right after the "gunt".
:18: :18: You'll have to let us know if he manages that.

If Bucc goes somewhere other than his Java Tree he will sit and look at me and say "Oh ooo dropped it Love ya Maaam" followed by a kissy sound. :18: :18:

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