I saw these pics and thought to myself...I should show them all and get a pic of me actually touching my bird! And then later I was trying to help him clean his beak of encrusted sweet potato tonight and he bit me (not agressively though) and his beak is sharp enough that he went through the skin on my thumb so I was bleeding everywhere....and then I realized that is probably the kind of picture you would get...but I'm still determined, and one day I will succeed, regardless of the consequences after the camera flash goes off...anyway, great pictures!!!
Maybe Minzer u should post he masacre picis to remind us of what can happen. I have a pici of Rox with a cherry it looks like she is eating an eye and there is blood all over her...thats my reminder
Karen, maybe you should take loads of pics now, just in case that eye turns out to be Rox preparing to take over looking after all her lovely men in the household. WATCH OUT KAREN,