I just adopted a goffin cockatoo, he is constintly picking and preening, he is very gentle, loves to be on my shoulder and will not stop picking, where ever we are there is feathers everywhere. I have started him on the avicalm but what else could i do. I'm afraid he is going to make him self bleed or be completly bald, he has no feathers on the lower chest and back and one leg. He doesn't do it as much when he is in the cage, but when he is out and he always wants attention he does it. I've tryed to play with him while he is out and on my shoulder or leg or where ever i'm sitting and he won't even stop picking long enough to play. Please help. He does have vet papers where the vet said he was in good health it was just a habit or has not been getting the right food and vitamins, i have him on pellets and the avicalm.. Could i get some input on this or yours recommendations to help stop this. Thanks so much... :