Safe to freeze?


Oct 8, 2006
South Africa
Dory - Cockatiel
I have made some yummy stuff for my birdies and was wondering if its save to freeze them and feed them later. I have made birdy bread and some concuction of my own- its grated apple and carrots mixed with oats and i froze it in a ice tray. Is it save to give it to my birdies? Thanks alot!

Re: Save to freeze?

I cook a lot of things for my lot and then freeze it, I've never had a problem. I'll freeze it in individual servings so I don't have to get too many out again.

I think that if you would be happy to try it then its safe for the birds. When I first started to freeze things I ALWAYS tasted it a couple of days before hand, yep even the stuff that had bird seeds and pellets in it. Hey if there safe for my birds to eat then its good enough for me. :D I never give my birds anything I wouldn't eat myself. :eek:
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Re: Save to freeze?

Thanks, thats what i was thinking too. If its covered in a good holder, the poisons of the freezer wont get to it so it will be safe. I made birdie bread and got this bright idea of mixing oats, carrots and apple and freezing it. Do you think i can add honey with it?
Re: Save to freeze?

I usually add the honey after its all thawed out, but I don't see why you couldn't add it before you freeze.
Re: Save to freeze?

I've read a few recipes for birdie bread that can apparently be frozen for months at a time. Never tried it myself, but I guess it can last.

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