Safe, indestructible & re-loadable parrot toys...

I like the triangle thing you can make which would be a wonderful addition with his SS bell and bowl bell collection in the front right area of his cage. He loves to make noise. I think one of the toys that you put wood on it would be wonderful for him too. Valentino would be doing very silly things with that.

I am always on the lookout for quality SS toys that last. It is hard to find quality SS toys that are indestructible and safe for a parrot like Valentino. He inherited his SS tube bell and his SS bowl bell from my Illigers macaw Diego. Diego LOVED those two toys and I could not part with them after he died. (he died from a stroke not from the toys)
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I like the triangle thing you can make which would be a wonderful addition with his SS bell and bowl bell collection in the front right area of his cage. He loves to make noise. I think one of the toys that you put wood on it would be wonderful for him too. Valentino would be doing very silly things with that.

I am always on the lookout for quality SS toys that last. It is hard to find quality SS toys that are indestructible and safe for a parrot like Valentino. He inherited his SS tube bell and his SS bowl bell from my Illigers macaw Diego. Diego LOVED those two toys and I could not part with them after he died. (he died from a stroke not from the toys)

No bird will ever destroy any of my toys. They will last forever! I suggest you look at the Chomping Chain and the Chewey Chomp chain on the site. Click here and choose your toys. Chaotic Fun Then send me an e-mail with the toys you want to buy, and your shipping address and phone number.
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So the toys arrived today they were definitely very sturdy, stainless steel welded, The screws on the one toy were definitely stainless steel, they were not sharp at all, and the ends were definitely blunted down. I pushed and pushed on them with my hand and felt no sharp edging at all. I also like the fact that the quick links were also welded to the toy themselves. So I look at this as an investment for the long run, instead of continuously buying destroyable toys. I will still give her destroyable toys because I do believe it is good for them psychologically but I like also having some permanent toys.

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