Safe frying pans


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Mar 5, 2017
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Iā€™ve just been on the Internet for hours and I just cannot find a frying pan that I feel happy using with my Birds. The one I would really like to get is stainless steel with an aluminium core. Would this be safe? I have asked this question on Google but just canā€™t seem to get a definite answer. Many thanks, everyone.
I'm a cast iron fan as in 100% cast iron. No hybrids. Non toxic for you and pets. You can bake, fry, grill and more using them. Contrary to misinformation; seasoned as easy to clean as non stick. Use the bird safe oil of your choice. Look them up. Many are now pre-seasoned. Use care and purchase from reputable sources, brands. Cast iron lasts for decades if not centuries. There's decorative and theme cast iron pans, bakeware. Dolly Parton has sponsored some.
I use ceramic coated. Never had an issue.
In reality theres nothing wrong telfon coated if you dont overheat it. I dont trust myself enough to use teflon.
There are different thicknesses of stainless steel as well. The thicker ones aren't going to wear through like the cheap pans and expose the core, but they are inevitably more expensive. I have an Avacraft stainless steel 18/10 frying pan but I could only afford one. Cast iron for almost everything, stainless steel for tomato/acidic things that would strip my cast iron. I would just look for 3 ply or better.
I'm a cast iron fan as in 100% cast iron. No hybrids. Non toxic for you and pets. You can bake, fry, grill and more using them. Contrary to misinformation; seasoned as easy to clean as non stick. Use the bird safe oil of your choice. Look them up. Many are now pre-seasoned. Use care and purchase from reputable sources, brands. Cast iron lasts for decades if not centuries. There's decorative and theme cast iron pans, bakeware. Dolly Parton has sponsored some.
Many thanks
We recently moved and I needed to replace our pans too. I did a ton of research also. I ended up going with Our Place cookware. It actually works really well compared to other brands we have tried. I do stick to my cast iron for a lot too though.
I only use ceramic coated, stainless steel, and cast iron cookware and never overheat. I also have a direct to outdoors vent fan over my stove that's always on when I'm cooking.
I have 19 budgies (yup, too many!) in the very large great room with the kitchen. I've never had a problem with any budgies mysteriously dying, thank God.
I'm a cast iron guy. However high acidic foods are hard on the seasoning and my BOSS won't use them. I did a bunch of research and found a brand called green pan for the BOSS to use. Not supposed to have any of the bad stuff and she hasn't managed to kill any of us yet.
This is a woman who thinks a smoke alarm is a kitchen timer:)

And if I want her to know I said that I will tell her myself:ROFLMAO:

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