Safe bamboo varieties?


Jul 25, 2023
Two budgies + a green cheek conure
Hi all. Wanted to quickly ask if anyone can give me some ideas for bamboo varieties that would be safe for my birds to perch and chew on (to keep potted in their room). I've seen mixed reviews on lucky bamboo, so I'd just rather stay away from it 🙃 Also, if anyone has any experience with some larger plants that would have stalks strong enough to perch on them, reccomendations would also be great.
Thank you!
Safely aside, I would think any parrot with a beak (all of them) would make fast work of any bamboo plant. I say it would be a dead pile of splinters in short time.
I have pots of clumping bamboo growing outside and bring them in for birds to have their way with. When they are done I trim it up and put it back outside. They love it!

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