Safari treats me to a special morning


New member
Oct 8, 2012
Senegal-Martini,1 pineapple conure~ Kahlua,1 GCC~ Flare, spl/b, 4 Lovebirds Halo,Tye-Die,Luna,Violet,8 Cockatiels,Num Num&Tundra,8-Ball&Angus,Magnet&Sunkist,Pearl, Blush, 1 gouldian finch, 7 canaries
As I laid in bed this morning, I woke up to all the different sounds from my birds.
Safari was very chatty this morning and decided to serenade me to all the noises she has memorized.
To this day she has never done this before, only once have I heard her copy a noise.

clicker noise
ring from a phone
mastered calls from all of my other birds(9 in total)
brrrrrrr....not sure where she got that one from :)
Smokey,(my lovebird) has a triple chirp,beep beep,beep, Safari repeated that one over and over
trying to say 'hey baby'
this went on for 1/2 was such a joy to hear this first thing in the a.m.

I've always wanted to own a bird that copies sounds,...I love you Safari!
I love Sennies they have their unique special traits that makes so endearing to us.

I love waking up and uncovering my birds cages. This act never gets old for me. They bring so much joy into our lives. A parrot can beat an anti-depressant pill any day, lol.

The bird that is the most vocal is my QP Breezy. She loves to greet me with good morning. She is very loyal to me if she feels that I being threatened she will come out attack the other birds, lol. I have to let her know that, "I'm okay, I'm alright". Once repeat this phrase couple times then she will calm down.

Quakers are also super smart. Once I was in a heated argument with my teenager. Out of no where Breezy started asking me are you okay, are you alright? I was blown away. Parrots are super cool! So enjoy your feathered friends, peace.
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I love Sennies they have their unique special traits that makes so endearing to us.

I love waking up and uncovering my birds cages. This act never gets old for me. They bring so much joy into our lives. A parrot can beat an anti-depressant pill any day, lol.

The bird that is the most vocal is my QP Breezy. She loves to greet me with good morning. She is very loyal to me if she feels that I being threatened she will come out attack the other birds, lol. I have to let her know that, "I'm okay, I'm alright". Once repeat this phrase couple times then she will calm down.

Quakers are also super smart. Once I was in a heated argument with my teenager. Out of no where Breezy started asking me are you okay, are you alright? I was blown away. Parrots are super cool! So enjoy your feathered friends, peace.

so true!, they are so intuitive, every day is different and special!!

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