Runny nose - can it wait until Monday?

Sorry everyone - had to rush to work after his appt ran a little late. So, doc thinks he MAY be in the early stages of a respiratory infection. His nostrils are a little swollen today and red, so he put him on antibiotics (amoxi-clav) just to cover our bases. He also tested him for bird fever (bloodwork will be in next week), and he got his nails trimmed. We also talked with him about Rio's beak curving toward the right (something we noticed when we purchased him). He will need some regular beak trimming to keep his beak as straight as possible to prevent issues down the road. He weighed in at 860 grams, which doc seems to think is fine. We do have a scale that weighs in grams from raising two orphaned squirrels, so I'm going to start weighing him regularly (if I can figure out a way to keep him still on it!). We opted not to do the DNA sexing today, since our bill was up past $300 already and they wanted $115 to sex him?!?!?! I remember people on here saying they got their bird sexed for around $30, so please fill me in if you know how I could go about that! The good news is that the breeder is paying for the antibiotics, since he came with a 15 day health guarantee, so that covers $68.50 of the bill, and I was happy to hear that he was willing to do it without a problem. Rio was super stressed throughout the appt so we let him get some quiet time in his cage today while I was at work and the rest of the gang was at a birthday party. He just got his nighttime dose of meds and is quietly talking to himself over in his cage. Poor baby - what a start :(
Oh! By the way, we went to Windcrest Animal Hospital in Wilmington, DE and it was a GREAT place! I loved that they had an avian vet available for weekend appts and the place is stunningly beautiful with vaulted ceilings and granite and even an amazon named Margarita gracing the waiting room :) Highly recommend the place, even if they were a little pricey (in my opinion). The visit was $70, blood work was $40, test for bird fever was $115, nail trim was $18, and antibiotics were $68.50 - I'm not sure how that ranks compared to other avian vets, but it's definitely more expensive than our dog's vet! LOL
Avian vets are more expensive that dog/cat ones or livestock ones. I paid $100 for a complete blood panel (but she also has her own lab equipment and ran it on the spot while I waited), but I can't remember off hand other costs. I'd have to look at the receipts. Basically you are seeing a spe******t. It's like my pancreatologist costing more than my general care doctor. You didn't do too bad cost wise for a macaw. I spent more for my Grey's initial check and infection.
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We noticed tonight that our catalina has a bit of a runny nose. He's been a bit more agitated today, but other than that is acting fine. Our vet doesn't open again until Monday. The only other option would be to bring him to U Penn Vet Center ($$$$$$). Can he wait to be seen until Monday?

A vet can be very costly when it comes to Parrots I have some valuable info for all. My blue and gold (COCO) had a runny nose with sneezing, I didn't waist any time I took her to Feathers and Fur in Kailua Hawaii ,I was charged 285$ for a 16 dollar prescription, For the runny nose Tobramycin 0.3 % 5 ml bottle was prescribed, I have a friend whobowns General Distributing who provides all prescription drugs to vets , where they in turn mark it up 300%. If you look up General Distributing ask for Mike he can send you this . It's nose drops put in 1 drop in each nostril twice a day. Hope this helps everyone.
No one should administer prescription drugs with out the guidance of a vet.
No one should administer prescription drugs with out the guidance of a vet.

I agree with greycloud on this one. Can't believe they would even offer it.
I see this is a very old thread.

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