Roy doesn't seem to speak as a 4 year old


Active member
Nov 23, 2022
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Saudi Arabia, Dammam
3 year old indian ringneck
Hey i wish you and your birds a great day! :)
As you can tell from the title my IRN, roy is 4 years old and he doesn't know how to speak. A couple months ago, i asked the employees at the pet store abt how i could start teaching him they asked how old he is i said 3 because he was 3 years old at the time but keep in mind that he is now 4 as I mentioned on the title and in case you dont know i didnt always own roy i adopted him last november on the 4th of 2022 so he is considered a new pet to me.
Anyway, the pet store employee said that he's quite a bit old to start talking but they said it wasn't impossible just difficul. On the other hand, they recommended that I repetitively repeat words like simple words such as "baba" which means dad but in slang in our local language (arabic) i've been doing that and he has been focusing with me and i also played these "teach your parrot to talk" videos on youtube although me talking to him and playing these videos don't seem to work do you guys have any suggestions? Thanks i wish you and your birds a splendid day! :)
So my little Amazon learned most of his vocabulary from watching Indian RIngnecks on youtube - go figure! Videos of other Amazons - nothing. He just likes the Ringneck voice. Try a variety of different parrots talking , he may latch onto one .
Kirby came to us chatty, but he seems to pick up new phrases just by listening to us talk to him. His first couple years with us were plagued with sinus infections for example, so he knows how to say “bless you”, lol.

Some birds just aren’t interested in talking. They may learn to imitate sounds instead - that’s always a good time.
Kirby came to us chatty, but he seems to pick up new phrases just by listening to us talk to him. His first couple years with us were plagued with sinus infections for example, so he knows how to say “bless you”, lol.

Some birds just aren’t interested in talking. They may learn to imitate sounds instead - that’s always a good time.
Other than obvious parrot sounds, does Roy the IRN make nonsense sounds when quietly muttering to himself? I've noticed that the talking budgies I've had
Other than obvious parrot sounds, does Roy the IRN make nonsense sounds when quietly muttering to himself? I've noticed that the talking budgies m

Other than obvious parrot sounds, does Roy the IRN make nonsense sounds when quietly muttering to himself? I've noticed that the talking budgies I've had
My talking budgies made people sounds when muttering to themselves. If Roy makes people sounds, he has the ability- he just needs to form one or two syllable people words. Listen carefully- he may make them right before bedtime when he's very chill.
I got mine at 5 years old from an Asian family. They said he can say Hello but it sounds more like uh huh. He has another phrase that sounds like an upset scolding, maybe something in Chinese? Otherwise, I've tried two words, Nut and Peekaboo - it's not happening.
Other than obvious parrot sounds, does Roy the IRN make nonsense sounds when quietly muttering to himself? I've noticed that the talking budgies I've had
Yes he always mutteres to himself and yells especially when he's left alone for not even a single minute, i literally went to the fridge and he didnt see me for lile 30 seconds and he start yelling like crazy he definitely hates being alone

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