Rowdy progress!!!


New member
Jul 28, 2015
Rowdy -Blue and Gold Macaw (I miss him :''''(, ?-10/18/15)
Luna- cockatiel (deceased:'()
Thank you so so so so so so so so much Steve (capsteve). I cant go into great detail because I am super tired. But today Steve and his wife came over. Not only did I get to hold my baby boy but I also learned so many new things. I learned how to take him out, how to put him back, and that he is most likely UNDER 6 YEARS OLD!!!!! I cannot thank you enough, thank you SOOO much Steve
thats wonderful news!
No pics Wendy, but there was huge progress! Rowdy is such a sweet boy, just a little misunderstood. Lol

He will be a mush mac in no time.

S, thank you for having us. Don't get frustrated, call me if you need to. :)
A little hands on training with these guys goes a long way...

Thanks for doing that!
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I took pics of him yesterday when I took him out again, I'll post them soon. It was just incredible
I took pics of him yesterday when I took him out again, I'll post them soon. It was just incredible

HUGE difference once they start getting handled, eh?!
There are some super awesome people around here..:)
I took pics of him yesterday when I took him out again, I'll post them soon. It was just incredible

Glad things are going better now. It will only get easier from here out!
Now, where are the pics of that beautiful baby!!!!!
Extremely happy things are improving! And I love that we have wonderful and reliable people on here.
I'm glad to hear you got some hands on help and super happy for you that you are making progress with Rowdy!

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