RIP Asha the lovebird: Sept 2016 - 19 September 2023


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Dec 30, 2016
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8 little lovebirds
I am sorry that I have not posted on this forum since last year. Life had gotten difficult, I was facing the prospect of leaving the flock behind (still am despite not actually wanting to at all) due to various reasons but mainly relationship issues. However, this post isn't about that. It's about my dear Asha, the lovebird, who died suddenly this past Tuesday. I joined this forum in 2016 because of her. I also joined Tailfeathers forum as well because of her. I ended up mostly posting on tail feathers until 2019. I came back to find it merged with parrotforums last year to post about my grief over ducks being murdered here. If there is anyone here who regularly posted on tailfeathers, you will know the journey my Asha was on. She had a hard life but she thrived. I miss my friends there. And I value the new ones I communicated with last year. It just felt too painful to come back on here when I was facing the prospect of not seeing the birds again. I'm still around though. I wrote a letter to Asha yesterday. It describes my memories with her from the start. And her life. I am beyond devastated and heartbroken to have lost her. She was extremely special. She started the bird journey. Her and her original friends. I feel so heartbroken and alone in my grief. No one understands the loss of a bird. Before her death, when I was expressing concern about never seeing some of them again, someone actually said they're just birds and are replaceable. NO THEY ARE NOT. THEY ARE UNIQUE AND HAVE THEIR OWN UNIQUE PERSONALITIES. This is my letter to Asha. I apologise if my post is too long.

To my dear sweet Asha: September 2016- 19 September 2023

I remember the day you arrived. It was in mid November 2016. I wasnā€™t expecting you. You were an unexpected joy that arrived. There were three of you in a box, sitting quietly in a row. You and your sister were green and your cousin was blue. Never did I think you would change my life forever, sweet girl. I watched you grow up. Not in height. But in colours, and in development. I watched your beak change colour as you matured. I saw you struggle and I saw the sadness in your eyes. I saw your emotions. You had a way of showing your feelings with your eyes. Whether you were angry or sad or happy. I knew how you were feeling.

When your sister learned how to fly, you became sad because you couldnā€™t yet. You had a cyst under your left wing. So your left wing wasnā€™t fully developed yet. I thank the vet who examined you thoroughly and felt the cyst and the vet who noted signs of injury. So when your sister, and cousin, and new friend as of two days later were flying, we set up a playground for you on the floor to play. And they joined you so you werenā€™t alone. Then we created ladders and curtains for you to climb, so you could get to the top just like them. And you thrived my sweet baby.

Your cyst burst eventually but you were ok. It was expected and out of cage time was limited for awhile, but then your wing finally grew in. And you finally learned how to fly. Of course you did it early in the morning by sneaking out of your house with your sister while I was still sleeping. But it was summer so morning light was pouring into your room already. So you were safe. And you thrived. And I watched you thrive.

I worried about you and your friends when you were at home alone. Iā€™d just started University and had to travel 35 minutes away to another suburb for my exams every three months. I worried about you all that when he would drop me off, I would send him back to check on you. And then he would have to come back to pick me up. Oh it was a lot of petrol money though and probably tiring for him driving that much. But it was only every three months at the end of every semester and you were worth it.

You and your sister developed your hormones earlier than usual and you started laying eggs by 10 months old. So we made sure you got a lot of calcium. You and your sister could no longer live together after awhile though. So you became neighbours for some time. For Ashu so she could get better after her injury. And she did. It took awhile but she did. And you needed to be close to her because you always followed her everywhere and loved her dearly so you were her next door neighbour. And I gave up my bedroom for you and her, so you could both rest properly without feeling pressure to appear strong in front of the other birds when you just needed to rest. You enjoyed a lot of sun in there. And enjoyed watching the sparrows and blackbirds and pigeons out the window. I slept on a mattress on the floor of the lounge. For almost a year. But Iā€™d have done ANYTHING for you. And you both thrived so you got to live together again and go back to your other friends in the bird room. They sure were happy to see you physically. They could hear you. But they sure did miss you.

And right now, nala is missing you a lot. I remember when nala first came with her friend. You didnā€™t like her because you thought she was going to steal your sister from you. So you showed her and you showed me with the anger in your eyes. Overtime, you two became good neighbours. And now she grieves you and is calling for you. Just like your sister ashu is.
We had a long journey together. 7 years. It was cut short too soon. And too abruptly. I didnā€™t get to say goodbye to you. I didnā€™t see you that morning. I was told you were ok. You probably were because you had been singing a lot lately. On your swing. My worst nightmare came true when I found you later that morning. Nala was hanging from her house and shouting for you to wake up. But you didnā€™t. No matter who else came here , I promised you and the originals that I would always prioritise you and do everything I can for you. And I did. And Iā€™m doing everything I can now, for the ones left who are grieving you.

I hope you know how much you meant to me. When you couldnā€™t fly, I placed you on my shoulder and you stayed there. You didnā€™t like being handled. You never did and thatā€™s ok. but you didnā€™t mind being on my shoulder. I fed you corn when you were sad as a baby and didnā€™t eat much. We hid inside a blanket together so you wouldnā€™t feel so scared to eat from my finger. Sometimes you tried to trick me by throwing the skin of the corn away and pretending you were eating it. But I saw through those tricks and managed to get you eating.

I made friends online because of you. I shared your journey on two parrot forums. Everyone knew who you were. I miss those friends as I havenā€™t interacted with them since 2019. Iā€™ve found one of the forums still available online and even there, my first post was all about you in 2016 (this parrot forum here).

The photo of us with you on my shoulder will forever be my favourite. It shows real love. You changed me forever. I will never ever forget you. I will never ever forget our memories. Your eyes are always in my mind. And in my heart. I am heartbroken now. I want to be strong for the others, especially the originals who have been here as long as you have. But Iā€™m extremely down without you here. What am I without you? What is my life without you? You became the reason I woke up each morning. You brought me so much joy. You made life worthwhile and worth living. I became excited to wake up to see you and the originals. Each day became beautiful. You taught me how to be strong too. Because you were strong. So strong, that I used to talk about you to other people when they were going through hard times. YOU were my example of strength. A little lovebird who overcame so much was an example to other human beings. I find myself begging you to come back. And so is ashu. She is not happy and is constantly tipping her bowls everywhere because sheā€™s full of mixed emotions. Just like me. Iā€™ve tried to distract her by surrounding her with the others but itā€™s only a temporary fix. She feels the emptiness in her house too. And in her heart. Just like I feel it in my heart. How did something not even the size of my hand, steal my heart away? I am lost without you. I hope you know that you meant the WORLD to me. THE WORLD. I will never stop missing you and I will never forget you. I think you were at peace when you were here because I think it was an accident and not your time. You seemed fine happily singing during the day. I checked on you regularly. And your sister too. You both worried me the most because you plucked yourselves a lot. Ashu did it after her injury and felt itchy. But you did it because you saw her do it. You looked up to your big sister. I remember a week and a half ago I heard you make some strange noises at bedtime. It sounded like you were in pain. You did it a few nights in a row. Then you stopped. It sounded like pain and at the same time it sounded like you were mimicking the conure. We checked on you and when we did you talked regularly with your sister. I hope youā€™re also at peace now. Because I sure never will be without you. My life will never be the same without you. There should be another 7 years together. My sweet baby. You changed my world completely. I had never had animals in my life and then you and others came along and changed my life and outlook. I am forever grateful to have been able to help you thrive. Iā€™ve no doubt that if someone else got you, you wouldnā€™t have lasted this long. But I still feel so down at your abrupt exit from this world. I am lost without you. Please let me know spiritually that you are ok my baby girl. Youā€™ll always be my baby girl. ALWAYS.

I have attached her photos. I cry every time I look at her. She was my baby girl. the photo with two of them, she's at the front. Her sister, Ashu, is at the back. No one could tell them apart. But I learned very quickly.


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I am sorry that I have not posted on this forum since last year. Life had gotten difficult, I was facing the prospect of leaving the flock behind (still am despite not actually wanting to at all) due to various reasons but mainly relationship issues. However, this post isn't about that. It's about my dear Asha, the lovebird, who died suddenly this past Tuesday. I joined this forum in 2016 because of her. I also joined Tailfeathers forum as well because of her. I ended up mostly posting on tail feathers until 2019. I came back to find it merged with parrotforums last year to post about my grief over ducks being murdered here. If there is anyone here who regularly posted on tailfeathers, you will know the journey my Asha was on. She had a hard life but she thrived. I miss my friends there. And I value the new ones I communicated with last year. It just felt too painful to come back on here when I was facing the prospect of not seeing the birds again. I'm still around though. I wrote a letter to Asha yesterday. It describes my memories with her from the start. And her life. I am beyond devastated and heartbroken to have lost her. She was extremely special. She started the bird journey. Her and her original friends. I feel so heartbroken and alone in my grief. No one understands the loss of a bird. Before her death, when I was expressing concern about never seeing some of them again, someone actually said they're just birds and are replaceable. NO THEY ARE NOT. THEY ARE UNIQUE AND HAVE THEIR OWN UNIQUE PERSONALITIES. This is my letter to Asha. I apologise if my post is too long.

To my dear sweet Asha: September 2016- 19 September 2023

I remember the day you arrived. It was in mid November 2016. I wasnā€™t expecting you. You were an unexpected joy that arrived. There were three of you in a box, sitting quietly in a row. You and your sister were green and your cousin was blue. Never did I think you would change my life forever, sweet girl. I watched you grow up. Not in height. But in colours, and in development. I watched your beak change colour as you matured. I saw you struggle and I saw the sadness in your eyes. I saw your emotions. You had a way of showing your feelings with your eyes. Whether you were angry or sad or happy. I knew how you were feeling.

When your sister learned how to fly, you became sad because you couldnā€™t yet. You had a cyst under your left wing. So your left wing wasnā€™t fully developed yet. I thank the vet who examined you thoroughly and felt the cyst and the vet who noted signs of injury. So when your sister, and cousin, and new friend as of two days later were flying, we set up a playground for you on the floor to play. And they joined you so you werenā€™t alone. Then we created ladders and curtains for you to climb, so you could get to the top just like them. And you thrived my sweet baby.

Your cyst burst eventually but you were ok. It was expected and out of cage time was limited for awhile, but then your wing finally grew in. And you finally learned how to fly. Of course you did it early in the morning by sneaking out of your house with your sister while I was still sleeping. But it was summer so morning light was pouring into your room already. So you were safe. And you thrived. And I watched you thrive.

I worried about you and your friends when you were at home alone. Iā€™d just started University and had to travel 35 minutes away to another suburb for my exams every three months. I worried about you all that when he would drop me off, I would send him back to check on you. And then he would have to come back to pick me up. Oh it was a lot of petrol money though and probably tiring for him driving that much. But it was only every three months at the end of every semester and you were worth it.

You and your sister developed your hormones earlier than usual and you started laying eggs by 10 months old. So we made sure you got a lot of calcium. You and your sister could no longer live together after awhile though. So you became neighbours for some time. For Ashu so she could get better after her injury. And she did. It took awhile but she did. And you needed to be close to her because you always followed her everywhere and loved her dearly so you were her next door neighbour. And I gave up my bedroom for you and her, so you could both rest properly without feeling pressure to appear strong in front of the other birds when you just needed to rest. You enjoyed a lot of sun in there. And enjoyed watching the sparrows and blackbirds and pigeons out the window. I slept on a mattress on the floor of the lounge. For almost a year. But Iā€™d have done ANYTHING for you. And you both thrived so you got to live together again and go back to your other friends in the bird room. They sure were happy to see you physically. They could hear you. But they sure did miss you.

And right now, nala is missing you a lot. I remember when nala first came with her friend. You didnā€™t like her because you thought she was going to steal your sister from you. So you showed her and you showed me with the anger in your eyes. Overtime, you two became good neighbours. And now she grieves you and is calling for you. Just like your sister ashu is.
We had a long journey together. 7 years. It was cut short too soon. And too abruptly. I didnā€™t get to say goodbye to you. I didnā€™t see you that morning. I was told you were ok. You probably were because you had been singing a lot lately. On your swing. My worst nightmare came true when I found you later that morning. Nala was hanging from her house and shouting for you to wake up. But you didnā€™t. No matter who else came here , I promised you and the originals that I would always prioritise you and do everything I can for you. And I did. And Iā€™m doing everything I can now, for the ones left who are grieving you.

I hope you know how much you meant to me. When you couldnā€™t fly, I placed you on my shoulder and you stayed there. You didnā€™t like being handled. You never did and thatā€™s ok. but you didnā€™t mind being on my shoulder. I fed you corn when you were sad as a baby and didnā€™t eat much. We hid inside a blanket together so you wouldnā€™t feel so scared to eat from my finger. Sometimes you tried to trick me by throwing the skin of the corn away and pretending you were eating it. But I saw through those tricks and managed to get you eating.

I made friends online because of you. I shared your journey on two parrot forums. Everyone knew who you were. I miss those friends as I havenā€™t interacted with them since 2019. Iā€™ve found one of the forums still available online and even there, my first post was all about you in 2016 (this parrot forum here).

The photo of us with you on my shoulder will forever be my favourite. It shows real love. You changed me forever. I will never ever forget you. I will never ever forget our memories. Your eyes are always in my mind. And in my heart. I am heartbroken now. I want to be strong for the others, especially the originals who have been here as long as you have. But Iā€™m extremely down without you here. What am I without you? What is my life without you? You became the reason I woke up each morning. You brought me so much joy. You made life worthwhile and worth living. I became excited to wake up to see you and the originals. Each day became beautiful. You taught me how to be strong too. Because you were strong. So strong, that I used to talk about you to other people when they were going through hard times. YOU were my example of strength. A little lovebird who overcame so much was an example to other human beings. I find myself begging you to come back. And so is ashu. She is not happy and is constantly tipping her bowls everywhere because sheā€™s full of mixed emotions. Just like me. Iā€™ve tried to distract her by surrounding her with the others but itā€™s only a temporary fix. She feels the emptiness in her house too. And in her heart. Just like I feel it in my heart. How did something not even the size of my hand, steal my heart away? I am lost without you. I hope you know that you meant the WORLD to me. THE WORLD. I will never stop missing you and I will never forget you. I think you were at peace when you were here because I think it was an accident and not your time. You seemed fine happily singing during the day. I checked on you regularly. And your sister too. You both worried me the most because you plucked yourselves a lot. Ashu did it after her injury and felt itchy. But you did it because you saw her do it. You looked up to your big sister. I remember a week and a half ago I heard you make some strange noises at bedtime. It sounded like you were in pain. You did it a few nights in a row. Then you stopped. It sounded like pain and at the same time it sounded like you were mimicking the conure. We checked on you and when we did you talked regularly with your sister. I hope youā€™re also at peace now. Because I sure never will be without you. My life will never be the same without you. There should be another 7 years together. My sweet baby. You changed my world completely. I had never had animals in my life and then you and others came along and changed my life and outlook. I am forever grateful to have been able to help you thrive. Iā€™ve no doubt that if someone else got you, you wouldnā€™t have lasted this long. But I still feel so down at your abrupt exit from this world. I am lost without you. Please let me know spiritually that you are ok my baby girl. Youā€™ll always be my baby girl. ALWAYS.

I have attached her photos. I cry every time I look at her. She was my baby girl. the photo with two of them, she's at the front. Her sister, Ashu, is at the back. No one could tell them apart. But I learned very quickly.
I am so, so, so sorry for your loss. I am new on here, but I unfortunately completely relate to your letter because I just lost my SOULBIRD too last month. My African Grey angel of 22 yrs. tragically & unexpectedly in a devastating accident. I too have other birds who are reeling from the loss of their sister & the matriarch of the flock. I am completely devastated, gutted, & my soul is crushed. Every day is very difficult. I cry every day. I know I will never get over this, but unwillingly have to somehow adapt to this "new normal", which I don't want at all. I am lost without her. She was like my child. I had to pick up her ashes last week & it destroyed me all over again. I think only bird owners can really understand the loss. I'm so sorry you are going through this pain. It is so terrible. I hope with time it will get a little easier for you-as I hope this for myself as well.
I am so sorry for your lost! It looks and heard like she had a good and happy life with you! I am so happy that she meet you in her life. No one could have ever given her a better life. I experienced almost the same thing with Sprout, my 8 year old green budgie. He had a brother, Bean. We grieved for him. He died of sickness+oldness. I was holding him when he died. We (my family+me and Bean.) grieved for him like a loss family member. He was a smart little one, I tell you. He could talk, sing and whistle. Everyday, he would sit on my shoulders and sing to me. Now, 5 years later, I still grieve for him. And all the birbs that went. No one except the parrot forum family can understand our pain. :(
What a beautiful tribute to your beloved Asha, I cried as I read it. I could relate to much of what you said. I lost my dear little conure Phoe almost 5 years ago and my heart still grieves for him. His best friend was Jax, and although I tried to hide my grief in front of him, I was unable to and we formed a bond over that by grieving together. We still share that bond and it is such a strong one, forged in both pain and love. I just wanted to say that I think it helps the one left behind to know you hurt, too. They seem to know that they aren't alone in their pain.

I'm so very sorry for your loss of dear Asha, and I have no doubt that she knew how much she was loved. Fly free, Sweet Girl.
I am so, so, so sorry for your loss. I am new on here, but I unfortunately completely relate to your letter because I just lost my SOULBIRD too last month. My African Grey angel of 22 yrs. tragically & unexpectedly in a devastating accident. I too have other birds who are reeling from the loss of their sister & the matriarch of the flock. I am completely devastated, gutted, & my soul is crushed. Every day is very difficult. I cry every day. I know I will never get over this, but unwillingly have to somehow adapt to this "new normal", which I don't want at all. I am lost without her. She was like my child. I had to pick up her ashes last week & it destroyed me all over again. I think only bird owners can really understand the loss. I'm so sorry you are going through this pain. It is so terrible. I hope with time it will get a little easier for you-as I hope this for myself as well.
Thank you for your response and sharing your story. I feel your pain as well. 22 years is a long time. Iā€™m still not over three ducks getting murdered by a dog last year and Iā€™d only known those ducks for 6 months. These things somehow pierce holes in our hearts that never heal. I guess we just learn to get on with each day. Because if we donā€™t, the rest of the flock canā€™t get on with their day either. But itā€™s really hard. Especially when itā€™s a bird that has been with you since the start. Asha was buried straight away. I thought about getting an autopsy but thought itā€™s Better to let her be. I donā€™t know what happened. I know birds hide illnesses but I donā€™t think anything was wrong with her. I know some of them too well and I know when they are fake singing to be strong and singing just because theyā€™re happy and feel good and healthy. I feel it was the latter for her. I miss her. I feel what you said about having to adapt to a new normal when you donā€™t want to. Iā€™m constantly checking on the other birds to make sure they are ok. I appreciate those kind words. I hope the same for both of us. Time is said to slowly heal all wounds. I like to say time just helps us get back into daily chores and routines etc.
I am so sorry for your lost! It looks and heard like she had a good and happy life with you! I am so happy that she meet you in her life. No one could have ever given her a better life. I experienced almost the same thing with Sprout, my 8 year old green budgie. He had a brother, Bean. We grieved for him. He died of sickness+oldness. I was holding him when he died. We (my family+me and Bean.) grieved for him like a loss family member. He was a smart little one, I tell you. He could talk, sing and whistle. Everyday, he would sit on my shoulders and sing to me. Now, 5 years later, I still grieve for him. And all the birbs that went. No one except the parrot forum family can understand our pain. :(
Thank you for those kind words. I am sorry about bean as well. Your experience sounds extremely similar to mine when we lost another lovebird (also 5 years ago, like your budgie) in 2018. Except she was only two years old and with her we did an autopsy and the vet said she may have had liver issues. Possibly genetic. And she also died in my partnerā€™s hands. She was unwell for a few days. She waited until I got home from a University exam before she passed away. So we could see her alive one more time. And the next day she sent me a sign that she was ok. I was outside walking and I heard her calling amongst the wind. She was mimicking a peach faced lovebirdā€™s sound when she was calling. I knew it was her. You are right. No one else except a bird owner can understand our pain. So I donā€™t communicate with others who donā€™t understand the pain. Because theyā€™ll just say theyā€™re replaceable or just a bird. A select few people in my life do understand that birds are also just as important as other pets and I communicate with them and have told them about my grief. Thank you for the kind words. I feel we did give her a good life and did so much for her especially when she was still a baby. I feel she was taken too abruptly and too soon though. Thank you for sharing your own experience. It really helps and is relatable. I hope sprout is doing ok. I like the combination of names. Bean and sprout. Itā€™s unique.
What a beautiful tribute to your beloved Asha, I cried as I read it. I could relate to much of what you said. I lost my dear little conure Phoe almost 5 years ago and my heart still grieves for him. His best friend was Jax, and although I tried to hide my grief in front of him, I was unable to and we formed a bond over that by grieving together. We still share that bond and it is such a strong one, forged in both pain and love. I just wanted to say that I think it helps the one left behind to know you hurt, too. They seem to know that they aren't alone in their pain.

I'm so very sorry for your loss of dear Asha, and I have no doubt that she knew how much she was loved. Fly free, Sweet Girl.
Thank you for sharing this. I remember you providing kind words to me last year when I had lost the three ducks as well. The past few days I have been checking on the birds more often. Each time I do I sometimes canā€™t hold back my tears and they see me crying for asha. Ashu (ashaā€™s cagemate and sister) will still fly up to the top front part of her cage when I go in there when she sees me. I think she thought I took asha away from her. But I had to remove her dead body from the bottom
Of the cage. I think she saw what happened and knows. I donā€™t know what happened but I suspect she might have fallen down or had an accident somehow. But I think ashu might still think that I will be bringing asha back when I canā€™t. Iā€™ve also got two conures here. One is quite noisy (red crimson belly conure) and I donā€™t think she understood that I was sad and crying so she was screaming a lot and I guess she was excited to see me there. I think youā€™re right. And your jax sensed your grief and felt less alone too. I think the other lovebirds, especially the originals, know sheā€™s not there now and are grieving. Most of them are only eating millet and sunflower now. A lot of them were eating oats too. The peach faced lovebirds donā€™t seem to notice though as they are more their own flock amongst each other. And the other masked/Fischers/hybrids are their own flock and are the ones who notice ashaā€™s gone. I really do hope that asha knew how much I loved her. Iā€™ve stayed in this situation that Iā€™m currently in because of her and most of the other lovebirds. They mean the world to me. I never thought one of them would be gone so soon and abruptly. I hope she is ok.
Thank you for those kind words. I am sorry about bean as well. Your experience sounds extremely similar to mine when we lost another lovebird (also 5 years ago, like your budgie) in 2018. Except she was only two years old and with her we did an autopsy and the vet said she may have had liver issues. Possibly genetic. And she also died in my partnerā€™s hands. She was unwell for a few days. She waited until I got home from a University exam before she passed away. So we could see her alive one more time. And the next day she sent me a sign that she was ok. I was outside walking and I heard her calling amongst the wind. She was mimicking a peach faced lovebirdā€™s sound when she was calling. I knew it was her. You are right. No one else except a bird owner can understand our pain. So I donā€™t communicate with others who donā€™t understand the pain. Because theyā€™ll just say theyā€™re replaceable or just a bird. A select few people in my life do understand that birds are also just as important as other pets and I communicate with them and have told them about my grief. Thank you for the kind words. I feel we did give her a good life and did so much for her especially when she was still a baby. I feel she was taken too abruptly and too soon though. Thank you for sharing your own experience. It really helps and is relatable. I hope sprout is doing ok. I like the combination of names. Bean and sprout. Itā€™s unique.
Thanks. Sprout Is dead now too. He died at the age of 9. He passsed away suddenly. Too suddenly, I would say. I hope the two brothers are together again. Everyone else who is not a bird owner will say, ā€œItā€™s just a bird, you can get another one.ā€ Or, ā€œ Itā€™s was just a decoration, you can get a better one.ā€ Or, ā€œIt WAS a bird! Just a bird. It canā€™t be that important, like a dog or cat. Itā€™s just like a toy. Replace it with new one.ā€ But only the parrot forum family knows that a bird not just a decoration or pet. Itā€™s a family member. You canā€™t just replace it. Paying all my respects to All the bird family members lost throughout our lives.
**HUGE HUGE HUGE Hugs** They are never 'just birds'. They've got more life and vitality in them than a lot of humans I've met! The loss of them hurts and their memories can keep us happy, knowing we tried to care for them the best way possible.

**Hugs again**
Thanks. Sprout Is dead now too. He died at the age of 9. He passsed away suddenly. Too suddenly, I would say. I hope the two brothers are together again. Everyone else who is not a bird owner will say, ā€œItā€™s just a bird, you can get another one.ā€ Or, ā€œ Itā€™s was just a decoration, you can get a better one.ā€ Or, ā€œIt WAS a bird! Just a bird. It canā€™t be that important, like a dog or cat. Itā€™s just like a toy. Replace it with new one.ā€ But only the parrot forum family knows that a bird not just a decoration or pet. Itā€™s a family member. You canā€™t just replace it. Paying all my respects to All the bird family members lost throughout our lives.
I am sorry that you lost sprout as well. I didnā€™t realise. 9 years old seems too young. When they die suddenly and out of nowhere, itā€™s very hard to deal with. I wake up each morning and Iā€™m afraid of finding someone else unwell or gone. The same in the afternoons when itā€™s cleaning time or even just during the day when Iā€™m just checking on them. On Tuesday morning I didnā€™t usually go into the bird room at that time of the morning, but one of the larger parrots wouldnā€™t stop shouting so I wanted to see what was going on there. Sometimes it just wants a bath because she canā€™t bathe properly in her bowl (but wouldnā€™t bathe anyway in a larger bowl too). And thatā€™s when I also noticed nala the lovebird hanging down the bottom when sheā€™s normally at the top of her house and was shouting a lot. And I saw ashu, but not asha. Sometimes they hide and I thought maybe sheā€™s hiding somewhere. And then I saw my sweet baby and could not believe my eyes. She was the first one here. Her, and ashu, and ashi (their cousin who is a blue lovebird). They came together. It was apparently supposed to just be ashu and asha, but apparently ashi saw them being scooped up and was trying to follow them. So she came as well. I wasnā€™t there. I was at home and then they arrived and changed my life forever. Especially asha. Youā€™re right with all those statements. I donā€™t like people who say those things. They donā€™t understand. I personally am not a cat or dog person. I acknowledge that they are special to other people though. Some people understand how special a bird is and some donā€™t. Someone recently said those words to me. A few weeks ago. It was more along the lines of ā€œif you have to leave them behind then donā€™t worry, just get new birds, theyā€™re replaceableā€. And this person actually has two budgies! I was quite annoyed that day. This is supposed to be a person providing me with extra support too so I was not too happy about that either. They help with other things but donā€™t understand when it comes to birds. Youā€™re right. Only the parrot forum people truly understand our pain when we lose a bird. They are not toys and they have feelings. I hate that not enough people recognise that. Do you know what happened to your sprout? Do you have any other birds at the moment? I canā€™t imagine your pain of losing sprout, after having lost bean. Itā€™s very difficult. Iā€™ve never owned budgies but I like them. I like their soft sounds. I sometimes walk past a house around here where they have budgies in an aviary outside. I like hearing them. I really appreciate your kind words and your understanding. I still cry on and off for asha. Our birds are family members. That is spot on.
**HUGE HUGE HUGE Hugs** They are never 'just birds'. They've got more life and vitality in them than a lot of humans I've met! The loss of them hurts and their memories can keep us happy, knowing we tried to care for them the best way possible.

**Hugs again**
Thank you for your words. I remember you from last year when I posted about the ducks. I really appreciate the hugs. And I agree. Birds are full of personality. And each one is unique and has their own personality. Iā€™ve learned this over the years. And they have so many different quirks and behaviours. Theyā€™re really special. Thatā€™s true. I still cry and at the same time I remember everything we did for asha to make her life easier, especially at the beginning. She was an original bird who came here first with her sister and cousin. Iā€™ll never forget those good days and those good times that we had. They are forever ingrained into my mind, heart and soul. I hope she knows just how much I loved her. I have literally stayed in a situation that I donā€™t want to be in because of her and some of the other lovebirds. She was my everything. She gave me a reason to wake up each morning. Now Iā€™m doing my best to make sure the others are ok. I check on them regularly. They talk a little more than usual. I had read that this is how they grieve sometimes. And are currently only eating millet (and /or sunflowers). I hope they will be ok. They normally arenā€™t picky with their seeds. I bought some vegetables today to hopefully give to them in coming days. The lovebirds like vegetables. The medium / larger parrots prefer fruits. I really appreciate your kind words. Thank you. It means a lot to me.
I am sorry that you lost sprout as well. I didnā€™t realise. 9 years old seems too young. When they die suddenly and out of nowhere, itā€™s very hard to deal with. I wake up each morning and Iā€™m afraid of finding someone else unwell or gone. The same in the afternoons when itā€™s cleaning time or even just during the day when Iā€™m just checking on them. On Tuesday morning I didnā€™t usually go into the bird room at that time of the morning, but one of the larger parrots wouldnā€™t stop shouting so I wanted to see what was going on there. Sometimes it just wants a bath because she canā€™t bathe properly in her bowl (but wouldnā€™t bathe anyway in a larger bowl too). And thatā€™s when I also noticed nala the lovebird hanging down the bottom when sheā€™s normally at the top of her house and was shouting a lot. And I saw ashu, but not asha. Sometimes they hide and I thought maybe sheā€™s hiding somewhere. And then I saw my sweet baby and could not believe my eyes. She was the first one here. Her, and ashu, and ashi (their cousin who is a blue lovebird). They came together. It was apparently supposed to just be ashu and asha, but apparently ashi saw them being scooped up and was trying to follow them. So she came as well. I wasnā€™t there. I was at home and then they arrived and changed my life forever. Especially asha. Youā€™re right with all those statements. I donā€™t like people who say those things. They donā€™t understand. I personally am not a cat or dog person. I acknowledge that they are special to other people though. Some people understand how special a bird is and some donā€™t. Someone recently said those words to me. A few weeks ago. It was more along the lines of ā€œif you have to leave them behind then donā€™t worry, just get new birds, theyā€™re replaceableā€. And this person actually has two budgies! I was quite annoyed that day. This is supposed to be a person providing me with extra support too so I was not too happy about that either. They help with other things but donā€™t understand when it comes to birds. Youā€™re right. Only the parrot forum people truly understand our pain when we lose a bird. They are not toys and they have feelings. I hate that not enough people recognise that. Do you know what happened to your sprout? Do you have any other birds at the moment? I canā€™t imagine your pain of losing sprout, after having lost bean. Itā€™s very difficult. Iā€™ve never owned budgies but I like them. I like their soft sounds. I sometimes walk past a house around here where they have budgies in an aviary outside. I like hearing them. I really appreciate your kind words and your understanding. I still cry on and off for asha. Our birds are family members. That is spot on.
I agree with everything you say! I have ruby at the moment. A tip is that you can see that under otherā€™s profile pic and name. Ruby is a ekkie. I lost other birds too:
Sky- pied budgie
Bluey- blue budgie
Onyx- Lutino cockatiel M
Mango- Lutino cockatiel F
Stormyjy- Blue lovebird
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I agree with everything you say! I have ruby at the moment. A tip is that you can see that under otherā€™s profile pic and name. Ruby is a ekkie. I lost other birds too:
Sky- pied budgie
Bluey- White budgie
Onyx- Lutino cockatiel M
Mango- Lutino cockatiel F
Stormyjy- Blue lovebird
Thank you for the tip. I was using my mobile phone when I was writing here last night so I think that's why I couldn't see under the profile pictures properly. On my laptop I can see it better now. I should probably update mine as there's definitely more than 8 lovebirds here, as there's a whole variety of birds. I just don't know what the future holds due to my circumstances so I've just left it as it is for now. It kind of reminds me of the good days in a way. Seeing my profile information from when I first joined, even if it's not completely updated anymore. I am sorry you lost those birds. I, too, have lost quite a few. Some without explanation too. But with all those losses, the original lovebirds seemed to keep thriving. It cuts me deeply to have lost one of the first ones whom I interacted with a lot, especially at the beginning. I've seen eclectus parrots at pet shops before. Specifically, one that used to be around here a few years ago and was family owned and they bred birds there and would sell more bird products than anything else and would have birds there too, including two eclectus'. I remember they also had conures and sometimes lovebirds. Also a lot of cockatiels.
Today the birds got vegetables and fruits to eat. I hope this helped them a bit with their grief. I saw Ashu eating her greens which was good to see. She has been picky lately and only eating her millet seeds. I spent some extra time with them today in their room. I sat on the floor (and got my pants all dirtied with spilled seeds, oh well). And just watched them and talked to them. This is something I never wanted to stop doing for years. All I've ever wanted is to just spend my time with them. Ashu was spreading her wings and presenting herself to everyone. I think her hormones kicked in again. I worry about Ashu. She's had a hard life too and she thrives despite her setbacks, just like Asha did. Her cage is now between two others so that she's not alone. And Nala came down to the bottom of her cage to shout in my ear a few times. It was blissful. I've always told her that she can shout in my ear anytime. It's music to my ears. I keep forgetting that this isn't the tail feathers forum and that on this forum I actually haven't uploaded photos of everyone here. Nala is a yellow lovebird. Hybrid like Asha and Ashu. She arrived here with her friend (a blue pure masked lovebird) Iki just a few months after the originals. So she's only a few months younger than them. Nala struggled when she came because her previous owners had trimmed her wing but didn't do so properly. So when she tried to fly, she would do backflips. It was heartbreaking. Eventually her feathers also grew in and she was able to fly. She was extremely afraid of humans for some time. Probably because of the dodgy trim inflicted on her. Wasn't done by someone who knew what they were doing. My profile information says 8 lovebirds, even though there's a lot more birds here. 8 were the original ones. I refer to them as the originals. I spent the most time with them. There are only 6 originals now, as one passed away in 2018, and now Asha last week.

Earlier this year, Asha hurt the left side of her face. I think it was still dark because it was early morning and they weren't unblanketed yet and she was trying to climb up in her house and she got stuck between her two food bowls. When I went inside to start unblanketing them I could hear her. And I knew she wasn't ok. She was making a faint pain sound. We had to get to her quickly and we saw a bit of damage. I don't remember her bleeding but A lot of the feathers had been removed because she was stuck. You could see the injury on her left side near her beak. We separated the food bowls after that. She couldn't eat properly for awhile. So I would mash her corn and give it to her each day until she could peel her seeds without pain. Actually, she could eat, but it was too painful for her to peel her seeds. I remember seeing her regularly on a perch just sleeping. So she probably tried and found it too painful. so each evening she got mashed up corn to eat and it helped her a lot. She still thrived after that. This little girl has been through so much. And she still thrived. When we had to seperate her from Ashu in 2018, she would call out to her. We made sure their cages were next to each other and she would sleep on a perch hat was right next to Ashu. The first night that they were separated, we put Ashu in the other bedroom. Asha didn't sleep that night. She called out to her. She was using the conure's sounds which she had never mimicked before. So at 2:00 in the morning we had to go in the bird room and bring Asha over to Ashu so she could at least smell her and sense her and know she was next to her. She calmed down after that. She loved her big sister a lot. And Ashu loved her right back. I wish she wasn't taken from this earth last week. Thank you for letting me share some memories of her.
A few days ago I noticed a weird alignment in Ashuā€™s cage (that she shared with asha). Her food bowl felt like it was higher than usual despite nothing being changed. Another food bowl was moved higher, (to be next to the food bowl of nala next door to her so they can eat together), but not the one that seems to appear higher. Perches are all in the same place. It felt strange to see. Does anyone think this is a sign from asha? I have been waiting for a sign from her but havenā€™t heard her. When kiara passed in 2018 I heard her the next day in the winds while walking outside. The ducks last year I didnā€™t hear them but felt the indoor plants had some wind a week or so after at the exact time that they used to be let out of their houses. I felt like that was a sign of communication with them. What is this weird alignment in ashus house and could it be a sign from asha?

I still miss her terribly. Everyone seems to be eating their variety of seeds again except ashu. Nala is eating but I usually find her on a lower perch sitting and seems sad still. Ashu still only eats millet but today I saw her resting on one leg and singing her song. She hasnā€™t done that in awhile.

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