Rip 2 birds and wonderful great news


Jan 5, 2014
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3 Conures
1 Parakeet

Everyone remembers Leilani and Stardust
Well, they both passed away. Stardust passed away in 2021 and Leilani passed away this year in January 15, 2024
It's a shame they were wonderful birds that lived a great life. Stardust was 7 year old when she passed and Leilani was 10 year old when she passed away.
Anyway, there is great news I did save a bird from my aunt's house her name is Papaya.

This is Papaya she is 13 years old and this is about how little Papaya got very sick. I will tell you the story from the very beginning it all started when my aunt got two Beebee. Their names are Bonnie and Clyde, my aunt asked me if I would help her when she breed them, and I said yes, I can help her. So Bonnie and Clyde head six eggs, and only two hatches. We pulled them out and hand-raised them. Bonnie and Clyde, childrens were together because we could not separate them. Bonnie and Clyde are no longer with us. We gave it to somebody else in 2014 and both parents just passed away in 2017 or 2018 I don’t remember. But in 2021 I was watching Mango bullying her sister Papaya. I yelled and said mango, knock it off and leave your sister alone and let her eat, she would not let papaya eat. She would push her away from the dish. Papaya would run to the other side of the dish and mango chase and push her away. I told my aunt that something was not right, you should separate them and she looked over and said they looked fine, but I kept saying Mango was being very rude to her sister and pushing her away from the food dish, it took my aunt a while, but she finally saw what I saw, and finally was able to separate her 2022. After the separation, I noticed the Papaya was very thin, she didn’t look right and I told my aunt that we needed to start giving her baby formula bird food. She said that is a great idea I could never think of that she said to me. I said I thought of it and I thought it was perfect, so I got the formula for her, I brought it over we mixed up the food, and she took it like a champ. She was doing so well for the year, and my aunt kept saying this was too much for her to take care of Papaya so I told her to let me take Papaya. She will be fine with me. She will be separated from my other birds, she’ll have her own room and I will bird-proof her room. My aunt said let me think about it, so I said, ok you think about it and I said also think of her health and her situation. I would say in the month of April I talked to my aunt again and she said I have thought about it. You are right Papaya loves you very much. She has chosen you to take her in and I think you’re the right fit for her, I said, thank you very much. I am cleaning my room, I said once it’s warm and my room is done I will take her home. She came home on October 7, 2023, she is doing well and she is she doing so much better.
You are fortunate, BeeBee parrots are wonderful! One of the few parrots in the wild that actually seek our human company. I miss ours, Maxie, all the time!
Cool Beebee's! I had to look up the name because I didn't recognize the species. However, I recognized their alternative name - Canary Winged Parrots! Beautiful fids! Can't wait to hear more about them!

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