Mark I have at least a year to study all your insight, but I'm sure I will never have the knowledge that you have nor the confidence to take my bird out withought the harness

:22: But I DO want to take it out and socialize it, so a harness it will be.
Nothing at all wrong with harness training. In fact, it's a good idea.
I've got two that I trust fully flighted, no matter what...
Maggie is fully flighted and recalled.
Sweepea is fully flighted and recalled.
Sally is fully flighted and recalled.
Those are my out and about birds.
I have harnessed sweepea early on, because she had a nasty habit of spooking on me... But it's probably been ten years since I had a harness on her.
I take Maggie with me to Starbucks in the mornings. Set her down on the back of a chair, FULLY FLIGHTED, go in, get my coffee... come out, she's right where I left her.
She sits outside on her playstand at the laundrymat when I do laundry. Self entertains when I load or fold clothes. In between time is our one on one times...
And all of mine play in the tree in the front yard on nice days.
MAGGIE has watched the fireworks with us on the 4th of July... fully flighted, no harness.
SALLY has been to the Carnaval parade in San Francisco, 450,000 people... floats, drums, firecrackers, strangers...
They have been UBER startle trained. Nothing phases them.
And if it does, they're so bonded that they get closer to me, knowing I will protect them.
Neither of those two have ever flown off on me in public.
I used to free fly Sally, my amazon... like every day, after work we'd go for a walk, and do some flying, and play in a tree...
THAT is why I feel confident with mine.