Rescue Red-Front


New member
Oct 21, 2012
60 Mi West of Boston
Maui - PGC Conure &
Rena - Red-Front Macaw
Sorry for the long post, but I want to get this all in...

I got a call from a friend that knew I volunteered at the CA Parrot Rescue when I lived in CA. We also had several small birds (Conures, Tiels, and budgees). She said she knew someone that had a Macaw, didn't know what kind, but it was green & red. The bird was "rescued" from a drug house in a major city where they had it (in it's cage) along with a bunch of pitbulls in a room.

The "rescuers" took the bird home, not knowing anything about them. Three weeks later, the bird began plucking, and they reached out for some help. The family couldn't afford to fill their oil, the weather was getting colder, and this bird was plucking all its feathers. They were feeding it cookies & peanuts, they had 2 dogs that were running around the cage, and the cage looked like it hadn't been cleaned in a a year with 2-3 small skinny perches that looked like they were for conures.

Friday we picked up "Rena". A Red-Front Macaw. I took her home, and let her out on her cage, She was very good at taking food very gentle from me. She seemed happy to be out of that environment. Her cage smelled like an ashtray, so yesterday we got her a new one.

We've found she loves Zupreem. She gets a variety of shelled nuts as treats, and so far, is doing very well. HOWEVER, I am having a hard time getting her to step up, or go into the cage when I need her to. She gets very aggressive and has some nervous twitches she starts doing so I know she is stressing. I walk away if she starts this.

Today, on the third day, she actually stepped up on my arm, and immediately started climbing up to my shoulder. It freaked me out a bit as I saw what she can do to an almond shell! I'm going to need to work on trusting her, so she can trust me back. I can already see new feather I know she's not AS stressed as she was. I'll keep updating her progress. She is a mess, and blows up her crop when she's upset so I know when to walk away, but I sure would love to get her a shower. She's so itchy!

Thank goodness she found you! I dont know anything about bird rescuing, mine needed help but nothing close to this extreme. Please keep us updated, Im just going to worry about her now.
Good on you for getting her out of that horrible situation! It certainly sounds like you've got her on the right path now.
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She's listening to music and dancing on her new perches I bought that actually FIT her feet. I'm hoping she forgets the stress that caused her to pluck...and she grows those feathers back quickly.

I've also put a stand next to her cage. She's very unsure of it, but I'm hoping in a day or 2 she is curious enough to check it out.
Thanks for taking her in. Is she being cage aggressive lr just aggressive. I'm sure if her cage smelt and looked that bad she may never have been out of it and I too would be afraid of getting locked back in there.
Glad you were able to help her out! I've heard red fronts are some of the best macaws out there! And I do love me a red head!!! :D

Considering her past, I'd strongly urge you to take her in to an avian vet for blood work and fecals if you haven't already. Plucking could be from stress, boredom or even something medical.
Thanks for helping this angel out! An Avian Vet visit is your next best move. Her twitches, and plucking, could be stress &/or other issues, like being from a smoky environment. Sounds like she was waiting for you. Often, my rescues jumped into my arms as I told them I was there to rescue them. She knows that she is in a better place with a better guardian. She'll respond to your care. Just remember that Macaws can be a bit like spoiled children. Give her guidance and she'll surprise you. Good luck with her.
I'm unable to really handle my new greys yet, so I take a mister to them every few days. They had never had a bath in their life and always shook their heads like they had dust in their ears. After a few mist baths, their feathers lost their scraggly
look and they stopped itching. Try some preening oil as well to help with the itchiness.
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Here's her little dancing move from yesterday...

[ame=]Macaw Dance - YouTube[/ame]
What a SWEET Rena!!! You were her God-sent! Thank you for taking her out of that situation. :)

And it sounds as if she's making herself comfortable rather quickly. I mean you've only had her for 3 days, 4 now, and she seems rather content and TRUSTING. I don't know of many rescued Macs who can be handled right away, especially after going through such an ordeal.

Good for you and Rena! Would love to see more pictures of that pretty girl :)
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I am going to take pics every few days, just so I can try and track her feather re-growth. I'm sure I'll be posting plenty!
She looks happy :) Jw, is her crop always inflated like that, or is that just something she does when she gets excited or ready to talk/ scream? My Elvis, did that when he wanted to talk or was going to talk/ scream, and my vet told me it was normal, but if it's always like that I'd have that looked into. Lol If she's doing it herself- impressive! Elvis wold make himself as big as possible when he got excited and ready to show off- but never that big- but he sure idd try lol. Sounded like he was inflating a ballon!
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She inflates her crop when she wants me to go away...She does that and then freaks if I see it I back off.
Oh lol, Elvis did that when he wanted attention lol
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Update on Rena...LOTS of pin feathers. She's super itchy. She seems to be more vocal, and she's trusting me a bit more each day. I now can put my hand up and scratch her head and the back of her neck with no complaints from her.

She is doing something new. She's rubbing her beak all over my hand when I have it up near her. I'm assuming that's a welcoming gesture, as she does not bite. She also likes to stick her head down my sleeve if I have long sleeves on. She's getting there! Pics coming in a bit.
That's great! Erin itches her head a lot when she gets nest pin feathers there but I usually help her preening her head, so that only lasts a little while
Great story, Thank you for bringing her into your home. I was looking at her cage in the video and I'm sure the one you got for her was by far better then the one she came in but it appears a little on the small side. Unless you are only using this cage as a sleep cage, I would find the largest cage you can afford. The bigger the better.
Sometimes Macaws can become cage aggressive, specially if they are allowed to climb on the cage or sit on top the cage. If they are, you may want to purchase a play stand or java tree.
I'm glad you are working with her to teach her the step up and step down command. Macaws are very smart so when she steps up or steps down, have an almond waiting for her as a treat and always reward for good behavior.
Keep her on a pellet, veggies, and fruit diet. Give nuts and seed 2-3 times per week as treats. Give your Macaw 2 hard boiled eggs with the shell but remove the yoke, this is great for their feathers, nails, and beak.
once you are able to give them a shower, wet them to the bone, then place a dime size of pure 100% aloe Vera into your hands and wipe her all over, this is great for the skin to stop the itching and will increase her to preen without plucking.
keeping her stress free will do wonders for her so best of luck and keep up the great work. Joe
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Yes, her cage is a sleeping cage. She's out on her stand or on top of the cage at least 8 hrs a day. She's not into stepping up yet, although I try every day.

Without her stepping up on me, I'm unable to move her here I want her to go. SHe is deathly afraid of perches or sticks so she wont step up on those either. I really don't want to stress her more by "forcing" her to a shower.

She's doing very good with her diet. No more peanuts or cookies.

Here's a pic of her progress in just 2 weeks:
She's making good progress ! You could see her feathers growing . I think she will get used to sticks. Have you tried of just misting her instead of taking her to the shower ? You got get a mister and see if she likes it
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I tried a mister...she squawks and runs away...climbs down her cage. She does not like that. I tried misting over her and letting it fall on her dice.

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