It is first difficult to perceive celebrating the loss of a dear and close brother.
So many of us here on Parrot Forums join you in these special moments of remembrance as Jim was and is missed on an international scale as his joy of speaking of his taking Amy out for a ride, in the car, was enjoyable, as was his visits to the local Pet store and donut palace where employees' and customers alike enjoyed their visits. The stories are many and are a measure of the many individuals your dear brother connected with.
It is without question, that your love for your brother is deep and this day is a true mix of emotions. I know that he loves the care you are providing his /your Amy and Beebs, as they are a major part of his and your life joy. You are a great and dear brother, it is clear that the both of you have hearts of gold.
Thank you, for stopping by today and sharing a few moments of your dear brother...
Huge, Warm, Amazon Feather, Hugs, Good Friend!!