Rehoming Amazon and Grey In Virginia

I finally made some admissions of myself; some of you have still managed to take some of those explanations; out of context and turn them to your own advantage. By all means, put my name up in a tab and follow my post's with an open mind. I fail to see nay saying. I hope that krayman calls me soon. The room is almost done and I have no need to hear further comments or have mine taken out of context. The bird would hardly ever be out of my sight and alone btw. jh

You wonder why some "waited" to critique, yet admit withholding material circumstance relevant to adoption criteria. Nobody is taking anything out of context; you joined seeking a companion bird free of charge and wove a tapestry worthy of discussion.
You wonder why some "waited" to critique, yet admit withholding material circumstance relevant to adoption criteria. Nobody is taking anything out of context; you joined seeking a companion bird free of charge and wove a tapestry worthy of discussion.

I would have never recommend him knowing what I know now.
I sincerely hope he doesn't call you anytime soon! Goodness only knows why you started this thread in the first place, thought we'd massage your ego, thought wrong. We will all put the bird first and in this instance this isn't. I am happy to eat my words sometime down the line but doubt I will need to hun. :-(
I was PM'd about the offer and was surprised to see which moderator pm'd me and then went public with their feelings. LaMunaku PM'd me that the team of moderators had the same mis-givings. Except for one other person (just now) no one had mentioned anything in a negative way, except in public. That's why I am upset. In a private message you can tell me anything and I'll consider it a private thought on their part. I would actually consider their point of view and balance it against my own to see if I needed to consider a change. So far a pm from a moderator and 2 from someone else; Beside's terry57s' original pm to let me know where to call. Yes, now I am a bit upset. jh
Talk about taking things out of context. jh
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I sincerely hope he doesn't call you anytime soon! Goodness only knows why you started this thread in the first place, thought we'd massage your ego, thought wrong. We will all put the bird first and in this instance this isn't. I am happy to eat my words sometime down the line but doubt I will need to hun. :-(
I was PM'd about the offer and was surprised to see which moderator pm'd me and then went public with their feelings. LaMunaku PM'd me that the team of moderators had the same mis-givings. Except for one other person (just now) no one had mentioned anything in a negative way, except in public. That's why I am upset. In a private message you can tell me anything and I'll consider it a private thought on their part. I would actually consider their point of view and balance it against my own to see if I needed to consider a change. So far a pm from a moderator and 2 from someone else; Beside's terry57s' original pm to let me know where to call. Yes, now I am a bit upset. jh

If you come out on a public forum and start asking questions you will eventually get replies, sometimes it takes a little while. You are a bit upset because people have not sided with you that this it is a good idea for you to adopt. People on here are moderated and in my opinion moderated well and therefore do not just attack someone but give heart felt replies on what they consider the correct path. As I said before we all will come out on what is best for the bird in question and on this occasion it isn't being with you hun. So put pride aside please do what you know to be right.
I am a very poor person. I have a very limited income, and many health issues. One of my medical conditions MG makes walking, and sometimes talking and breathing difficult.

I make it work. And parrots are my lifeline, my happiness, and keep me sane and engaged in life.

I think in my time here I've shown my dedication and quality of life I provide my parrots? All my bills are paid, i have food, toys, veggies.. but only 10 bucks to my
Name , you don't get much poorer than that.
Just saying
I am a very poor person. I have a very limited income, and many health issues. One of my medical conditions MG makes walking, and sometimes talking and breathing difficult.

I make it work. And parrots are my lifeline, my happiness, and keep me sane and engaged in life.

I think in my time here I've shown my dedication and quality of life I provide my parrots? All my bills are paid, i have food, toys, veggies.. but only 10 bucks to my
Name , you don't get much poorer than that.
Just saying
It not about just the money part, that just one issue, yes I known people that care for their birds well and with limited budget, that are disabled and on social security, better then most. That why at first I recommend him for one, despite the lack of funds issue.

The problem is he has other issues he withheld. One a major one as his wife don't want the bird, or anything to do with it, including cleanup and has serious health related issues. Then he when to rescues already and they denied him due to he couldn't even get a proper cage, or carrier for the bird and he tried a multiple times and still same issues. Then he wants to keep the bird in a room, as his wife doesn't want to deal with the bird.

At a rescue he won't qualify for adoption. It has nothing to do about being rich topic, or being prejudice towards him. It about the long term well being for the bird at the end of the day. People recommending one for him would be enabling him and setting him up for failure in my opinion.
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I am a very poor person. I have a very limited income, and many health issues. One of my medical conditions MG makes walking, and sometimes talking and breathing difficult.

I make it work. And parrots are my lifeline, my happiness, and keep me sane and engaged in life.

I think in my time here I've shown my dedication and quality of life I provide my parrots? All my bills are paid, i have food, toys, veggies.. but only 10 bucks to my
Name , you don't get much poorer than that.
Just saying
It not about just the money part, that just one issue, yes I known people that care for their birds well and with limited budget, that are disabled and on social security, better then most. That why at first I recommend him for one, despite the lack of funds issue.

The problem is he has other issues he withheld. One a major one as his wife don't want the bird, or anything to go with it, including cleanup and has serious health related issues. Then he when to rescues already and they denied him due to he couldn't even get a proper cage, or carrier for the bird and he tried a multiple times and still same issues. Then he wants to keep the bird in a room, as his wife doesn't want to deal with the bird.

At a rescue he won't qualify for adoption. It has nothing to do about being rich topic, or being prejudice towards him. It about the long term well being for the bird at the end of the day. People recommending one for him would be enabling him and setting him up for failure in my opinion.

I never intended that she wanted nothing to do with the bird; my intent was to priarily keep them apart, for her protection. The bird would have been in my care on account. You know what, MOST of you seem bent on making me a villain here. I'm going to put it this way; Some people fuss about what you set on, some are one. BYE jh
I sincerely hope he doesn't call you anytime soon! Goodness only knows why you started this thread in the first place, thought we'd massage your ego, thought wrong. We will all put the bird first and in this instance this isn't. I am happy to eat my words sometime down the line but doubt I will need to hun. :-(
I was PM'd about the offer and was surprised to see which moderator pm'd me and then went public with their feelings. LaMunaku PM'd me that the team of moderators had the same mis-givings. Except for one other person (just now) no one had mentioned anything in a negative way, except in public. That's why I am upset. In a private message you can tell me anything and I'll consider it a private thought on their part. I would actually consider their point of view and balance it against my own to see if I needed to consider a change. So far a pm from a moderator and 2 from someone else; Beside's terry57s' original pm to let me know where to call. Yes, now I am a bit upset. jh
Talk about taking things out of context. jh

JH, I messaged you privately last night as per your request. Contrary to your statement above, this was not the first time I have contacted you in this manner, though it was in regard to a different abortive rehoming attempt.

You have yet to respond to me directly but you are welcome to do so.
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I sincerely hope he doesn't call you anytime soon! Goodness only knows why you started this thread in the first place, thought we'd massage your ego, thought wrong. We will all put the bird first and in this instance this isn't. I am happy to eat my words sometime down the line but doubt I will need to hun. :-(
I was PM'd about the offer and was surprised to see which moderator pm'd me and then went public with their feelings. LaMunaku PM'd me that the team of moderators had the same mis-givings. Except for one other person (just now) no one had mentioned anything in a negative way, except in public. That's why I am upset. In a private message you can tell me anything and I'll consider it a private thought on their part. I would actually consider their point of view and balance it against my own to see if I needed to consider a change. So far a pm from a moderator and 2 from someone else; Beside's terry57s' original pm to let me know where to call. Yes, now I am a bit upset. jh
Talk about taking things out of context. jh

JH, I messaged you privately last night as per your request. Contrary to your statement above, this was not the first time I have contacted you in this manner, though it was in regard to a different abortive rehoming attempt.

You have yet to respond to me directly but you are welcome to do so.

I never mentioned the time you pm'd me, that was alrerady prior to this and i have only mentioned this posting. As for pm'ing you directly, I haven't been asked until now. Everyone else seem's to want to post in public so far; at least for the most part. Your earliest pm is noted on this post on an earlier page and then you went public and advised everyone you had. jh
JH you have messaged me before, and you know very well you do not need a formal invitation to do so, so please do not continue to split hairs. My door is always open.
I am a very poor person. I have a very limited income, and many health issues. One of my medical conditions MG makes walking, and sometimes talking and breathing difficult.

I make it work. And parrots are my lifeline, my happiness, and keep me sane and engaged in life.

I think in my time here I've shown my dedication and quality of life I provide my parrots? All my bills are paid, i have food, toys, veggies.. but only 10 bucks to my
Name , you don't get much poorer than that.
Just saying

I am at or near your place in life and I love the saying at the your message. Sometimes people go the wrong way tho. Main problem with printed messages like these. jh
I am a very poor person. I have a very limited income, and many health issues. One of my medical conditions MG makes walking, and sometimes talking and breathing difficult.

I make it work. And parrots are my lifeline, my happiness, and keep me sane and engaged in life.

I think in my time here I've shown my dedication and quality of life I provide my parrots? All my bills are paid, i have food, toys, veggies.. but only 10 bucks to my
Name , you don't get much poorer than that.
Just saying

Over time we bare our souls to the forum, and yours is one of most endearing and dedicated I have the privilege to know. Nobody would question your motives and abilities as parront in any capacity.
Jen, that is quite the leap you took there. I can only speak for myself, but I am far from rich, nor do I actually know anyone who is. If I thought that only the rich should have birds, I wouldn't have any and would be against any of the people I know personally having one, because none of them are rich either. Since this is clearly not the case, your assumptions are erroneous.

For you to suggest that anyone who has concerns only thinks the rich should have a bird, and would be perfectly fine with a bird living in a rich person's closet as a decoration is baffling to me. Others also have valid concerns for the bird and for everyone to be dismissed as "Rich People Only Prejudice" is a stretch not based on facts and quite frankly feels like a generalization designed to shut down further discussion from people who disagree with you.
I am in full agreement with Scott:
"Bottom line, nobody here can pass legal judgment on JH's ability to acquire, feed, shelter, and maintain health of a companion bird other than the protagonists - JH and a willing provider of flesh and feathers. But you can bet we will continue to discuss the moral imperatives without prejudice and rancor."

1oldparroter, I felt no need to post to you prior to this because no bird had been offered to you until now. I heard from people who were also concerned, and it was mentioned that a Mod forwarding a PM for someone could be mistakenly interpreted as a recommendation from the Mods. That needed to be addressed. I'm glad it has brought out more information from you that was not mentioned before, which only added to my concerns, as it did to others.

However, it is not my bird being rehomed, & I truly hope my concerns turn out to be misplaced if this bird joins your family. If you do get this bird, you will find nothing but support here, because the main goal of the forum is to help ensure that every bird has the best chance possible. The time for concerns and reservations is now. After that, knowing the majority of people here on the forum like I do, it will turn to support to help you give a bird the best life possible.
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I am a very poor person. I have a very limited income, and many health issues. One of my medical conditions MG makes walking, and sometimes talking and breathing difficult.

I make it work. And parrots are my lifeline, my happiness, and keep me sane and engaged in life.

I think in my time here I've shown my dedication and quality of life I provide my parrots? All my bills are paid, i have food, toys, veggies.. but only 10 bucks to my
Name , you don't get much poorer than that.
Just saying

Over time we bare our souls to the forum, and yours is one of most endearing and dedicated I have the privilege to know. Nobody would question your motives and abilities as parront in any capacity.

Aww shucks, that's so kind! After I posted I thought the same hmmm too soul bearing...i kinda cringed thst I wrote that but its the truth...

My neighbor and freinds has lots of cash abd a cocktail. He buys the cheapest food, and hasn't relented to my pressure to do better yet. He refuses to spend mire on a bird, meanwhile buys the premium dog food at 90 bucks a bag!!! I did talk him into a huge cage and more perches tho.

My concern with 1oldparrot is that he got a kitten not to long ago....and I freak with parrots and cats... tho members here hsve both
The 'kitten" you refer to was gotten several years ago and is a fraidy cat. It's all beside the point as krayman has been getting pm's he said and just gave the bird in question, to someone else. He called to let me know and apologized.
I just want to say, my neigh sayer's are wrong. Even though at first I didn't throw everything in the open; I have had the best intentions and intended to protect both my wife and the bird. I only got 1 or 2 that supported my side and seemed to understand. Most here insisted that they air their thoughts in public, so I replied the same. You want to take things out of context and win in spite of info furnished ... merry xmas and good bye. jh
Okay, as it is the nature of being a moderator in the midst of a heated thread, I have to weigh in. Circumstances like this are my least favorite part of the job.

First, apologies to krayman, for your thread being turned into a long winded debate about suitability of one member as a potential home for one of your birds. I truly hope that this will soon abate, and get back to your original purpose: finding good homes for these birds in need.

In no particular order, I will address a few things as I see them.

I don't judge people here. It is not my place to do so. JH may be the nicest guy on the planet, and maybe we could hang out and have a grand old time. Maybe not. Point being, I have no way of knowing. As fiddlejen said, this is an online forum. We don't have the luxury of live, in person conversation. All we have is the information at hand, which in this place boils down to post history. All we know is what someone expresses in their posts. With that in mind, I do feel bad that JH has presented himself as a bitter, defensive, and probably lonely man. Perhaps he's none of those things, but again, post history supports that assessment. I do give credit for trying to research before acquiring a bird, as we do for all prospective parronts. Research is great, but it's not experience. We have no idea if JH has ever had birds, or even spent any time with one. It was never mentioned one way or the other, but we suspect not, given the information presented.

Plumsmom, thank you for reminding members about bashing any of the mods. It will definitely not help anyone's argument, that's a guarantee. We welcome respectful argument or disagreement, but bashing is against forum rules. Thanks also for recognizing the function of the mod team. We work hard to keep the forum a supportive, positive place. Harder than members know. We see everything, and discuss every issue at length, behind the scenes so the vast majority of problems are handled before ever being seen by the membership. Realistically, I probably have 10-20 posts of discussion with the mod team for every 1-2 posts I put on the open forum. It's a lot of work sometimes, trust me.

Discussion here has focused on finances, or the lack of them. Not something anyone would have brought up, other than general thoughts that indeed, parrots are expensive to keep, and the usual reasons for the expense. JH has from the beginning, made finances his main point. Post history... Contrary to fiddlejen's claim that he was consistent about having funds available other than for initial cost, he has never said anything of the sort. "I can provide care in a loving home" is a great start, but only speaks of feelings and a place. It does not imply anything about funds. Post history... Sorry Jen, I think you're wonderful, but in your own terms, faulty math, and unfortunately, based on false assumptions, thus becoming merely fabrication on your part.

JH asserts that no one, including any of the mods have expressed concerns until now. Not true. In fact, throughout the multiple failed adoption hopes, concerns were aired, and met with repeated defensive comments by him about respect, and proving himself. A common theme in his... Post history... Ignoring the concerns, or getting upset when people raise them, does not justify his claims that there were none. They've been there, again and again. Post history... He stated that respect is earned, but was offended when questioned about anything that might garner support of aforementioned respect. We don't gain respect by complaining about whether or not someone shows it towards us. Give us a reason, instead of more complaints.

Wonderfully expressed by others, if JH does in fact acquire a bird, the forum is always here as a place of support, information, and experience of others. This forum exists first and foremost, for the best interest of our magnificent feathered friends.
Ugly thread, a lot of hurt feelings!
JH, I am truly sorry you lost Pinocchio! But! In my humble opinion, an African Grey would have been a less than perfect match! They are very high on the cost of living scale for one, and their powder/dander levels are quite high! New world parrots do not produce dander!

Johnnie, your feelings are hurt, the disappointment is real and huge! Moving forward, it’s up to you how you handle this! This group is incredibly forgiving! That also means you need to be too!
In my drunk days, and nights, I often made a mess of things on here! Fortunately, when sober, I am considered a smoosher and did a lot of damage control! You have many folk here that care for you!

Krayman, please stay, we really can use your experience and incredible dedication!
To those who PM me, Smitty is still available and Chico (Red Lored) will soon be available. I have been replying to the PMs but just noticed none of them have been sent. I just saw that I have to have 20 posts so please don't think I was ignoring you.

Hello krayman. Now that you have 20 posts under your belt your messages should be going through and members should be able to respond, provided they also have the requisite 20 messages. Please let me or one of the other Mods know if you still require assistance.

Best of luck :)
I am interested in homing the African gray I live in Richmond Virginia I have no immediate family and I’m looking for a lifelong friend if you still have the African gray will you send me a message thank you :grey:

1oldparroter I had moderator send you a message with my contact information. I know you have wanted a parrot for a long time and I want to give you first preference.

I took in 3 rescues. The owner passed and her husband could not take care of them. He was in desperate need of money for medical and auto repairs and I gave him $600. They were in poor shape from an all seed diet but after a month of Higgins, Pellets and fresh fruit and vegetables, they all have nice feather glow and very active. I am now looking at rehoming two of the parrots. Cage and accessories come with the bird and any donation to help offset the cost would be appreciated.

Pinochio is an Timneh Grey that has been in his cage his entire life. When I first got him, he was very agressive and would try to bite when I fed him. He is now calm and you can put your hands in the cage and play with his beak. I have also got him to step up occasionally but he is really nervous until he sits for a few minutes while you talk to him.


Smitty has never been handled and was also aggressive. I was told Smitty was a male but I am pretty sure Smitty is female. My DYH is alpha male and does not like any male birds. He is very much love struck when he sees Smitty -- eyes pinning, tail fanning and all kinds of sounds I never heard him make before. Smitty does not step up yet but she no longer bites and she loves head scratches.


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