Re: I'm new and need help training a macaw!

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Re: I'm new and need help training a macaw!

i had cockitiels a few years ago but i was considering another parrot anyway for extra company for the one ive got, thats why im wondering if a red macaw would be okay because i like them too. breeding them might be considerd later, defo not straight away, want experience handling the one ive got first
Re: I'm new and need help training a macaw!

Hi there,
I don't have much bird experience but if it were me I would not even consider obtaining another Macaw until your new boy is totally human confident. You want him to bond to you and not another bird, which considering you mentioned he was parent raised could be a strong possibilty I would think. The only exception to this could possibly be if you were able to bring in a female that was completely tame already, hand reared, etc. As she could be an example for him, he'd see her interacting with you confidently, that you won't harm her and having fun and feel left out but again I would not do this anytime soon and I would not cage them together...
If you can't bring in a female that is comfortable bring handled and around people and has been from an early age then I wouldn't do it all...
Good luck with your boy!
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Re: I'm new and need help training a macaw!

yeah i see what you mean, it wouldnt be until next year now anyway so i would imagine he'l be tame by then, they are a bit expensive to splash out twice anyway.. If i did get a hand rared red macaw that also crossed my mind about the other bird being able to get confidence when he sees her interact. why is it you cant cage them together? i read articles saying that parrots in the wild are always in pairs thats the whole reason why i think it'l be best for him.
Re: I'm new and need help training a macaw!

Once both birds were completely human confident and tame I wouldn't think caging them together would be an issue but you certainly wouldn't want to do that from the get go or rush it, they would need to get used to each other from afar first and then while both out of cages like during play time I would think before you expect them to live together in harmony. I could be off base on that but my instincts tell me that it should be taken slow and you'd have to pay close attention to the body language of your birds to watch for stress or any upset and act accordingly. How is your boy doing today?
Re: I'm new and need help training a macaw!

[FONT=&quot]Your bird must have time to settle down and adjust. Just imagine how many new things the bird has encountered, So many new faces and voices, it must be so scary.
To gain your trust could take days, weeks, months even years. Each and every bird is so different. He obviously feels a comfort zone is his cage.
Sit near the cage, talking and singing to the bird. Let him become familiar with your voice. Leaving the cage door open, offer him treats through the bars at first. When he willingly accepts them, try placing a treat near the open door. Eventually he will starts taking the treats from the door, make no attempt to touch him. When he does come out, he will probably climb around on the cage. Let him explore in his own time. To get him back in, place a treat inside the cage, making sure it's visible.

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Re: I'm new and need help training a macaw!

yeah hes fine today, i just keep noticing small changes all the time, signs of improvement. i think hes progressing fast considering ive only had him 3 weeks he went from screaming as soon as u walk in the room to taking a nut from a cocktail stick i pushed into him. im looking foward to him being hand rared, im going to but a harness when he is and he can sit outside etc. and thats great advice there about getting him inside the cage when hes been out, he hasnt had the courage to leave his cage when ive left the door open, but when i approach to close it, he panics and gets temped to fly out in my face so i think his cage is his comfort zone especially when the doors shut.

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