Re: I'm new and need help training a macaw!


New member
Jul 2, 2012
Newcastle, England
Georgia, my blue and gold macaw
Re: I'm new and need help training a macaw!

Ive just bought a 10 month old blue macaw. He is parent rared and i think he's very nervous.
i need help on how to calm him down, he seems very curious while im in the room but as soon as i go near
the cage to speak to him he clings to the top corner of the cage as far away as possible and screams
hystercally. ive read articles on how to deal with the screaming and they all give you help on how to stop
them screaming when you leave the room but mines doing the complete opposite. it puts me off going
near the cage bacause its really nerve racking and worrying how it reacts, and im nervous on its daily
water change etc.. any advice please?
Re: I'm new and need help training a macaw!

have you try to sit by his cage n gave him a few treats. find his fav treat. have you try to let him out of the cage. or open the door n walk out n let him come out of his own
Re: I'm new and need help training a macaw!

Hello and welcome to the Forum :)

Would love to see some pics of your Macaw :)
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Re: I'm new and need help training a macaw!

i have tried to give him treats but he won't come anywhere near me. when i hold them to the cage he just screams and screams. im sitting by his cage now and when i move hes petrified.. i might try and leave the door open, but he'l not come out if im in the room he doesnt move from one spot. cannot take pics of him either when i hold my phone at him he goes hysterical, maybe when he settles in :-s
Re: I'm new and need help training a macaw!

Most macaws like baby talk - it helps them feel that their situation isn't threatening. Also, be sure to move slowly when in his presence. Try to develop a routine so he can know what to expect each day. He needs a reason to believe he can start trusting you. It will likely take some time so you'll need to maintain patience with him. Naturally, never yell at him or show aggression toward him in any way.

Is this a Blue & Gold Macaw?
Re: I'm new and need help training a macaw!

yea it will take time no doubt it wont. but open the door let him come out on his own. walk in slowly keep your distance n just try to talk to him. keep doing this for a few days or weeks. keep trying to gave him treats. have to took him to the vet to get him check out after to got him. how long have u had him.
Re: I'm new and need help training a macaw!

Hi, My family had this same issue at first with our macaw. What we did was first walk by his cage , if he gets nervous keep at it for a couple of days unitl he becomes less nervous. next step: if he allows you in the room just sit as close to him you can without stressing him out and stay there for a while (Read a magazine,book, surf the computer, anything). This lets the bird watch you for a while, by watching I mean observe. He will see that you mean no harm; after just walk out of the room. As days go on(and he gets more comfortable) get closer and closer to his cage. When you are close enough stick a treat in his bowl. Keep doing this ssoon he will associate you with treats and will love to come down and see you. I hope this helps, we used this method. Now we can stick our hand in the cage to give him a nut, and he comes right over. Good luck! -3parrots
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Re: I'm new and need help training a macaw!

i only bought him yesterday, and yeah hes a blue and gold. i considerd letting him out with the door open but maybe its a bit too soon, last thing i want is not being able to get him back in his cage and frighten him by trying to catch him. i want to give him space to get settled but feel like i should make an effort at the same time. like getting him used to every day life at home and taking things one step at a time.. but ill keep at it slowly for a while and see how things go.. no doubt ill er-post soon as things progress.. great thanks for help tho!!
Re: I'm new and need help training a macaw!

how close can you sit and he still behaves normal? put treats into his food bowl and retreat back to that point and talk to him while he goes about eating his treats and try inching closer this may help him get used to your voice and presents.
Re: I'm new and need help training a macaw!

Also, be sure he has some toys in his cage to focus on if/when he wants them. Some wood pieces to tear apart may help him to relieve some of his stress.
Re: I'm new and need help training a macaw!

Welcome to the forum, and congrats on the Macaw.
You have been give great advice... and since you have only had him for one day, it will take time for him to adjust to his new surroundings, noises, smells and of course people.
How was he keep where you got him from? Was he just in a cage and only feed and no interactions with humans? Were the people nice or just there to feed him? How many other parrots were there?
All things make an impression on birds.
Just remember it will take a lot of patience on your part to build the trust, He must learn that you are there to take care of him and be a friend. Just talk to him and be calm and do not make quick movements or yell.

Keep us informed and take a picture from a distance... you should have a zoom feature on your phone...
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Re: I'm new and need help training a macaw!

i can sit right next to his nage and hes just on edge, and if i put treats in his bowel he wont move untill ive been out the room for a long time, like when i go to bed.. he has toys yeah, i might try opening his door today.
Re: I'm new and need help training a macaw!

Hey and welcome to the forum. 3parrots gave you some good advice. I'd sit as close to the cage as you can without stressing him. Don't keep "inching"closer.Sit at what ever distance he;s comfortable with. His in a new place and very fearful. Don't keep pushing the limits.You'll know when he starts to except you.If your giving him different foods, watch and see what he's favorite is and use those as a reward when he allows you close enough with out stressing him. When sitting near his cage and he's calm, talk and sing to him. Anytime he acts fearful,back off and give him some space. if he wants to come out fine,but remeber that your backing up if you have to srtess him out to put him away.IMO letting him out is of no real benefit when trying to acclamate him to his new environment, wait til he shows some sign of wanting to come out and is calm in your presence. If he jumps off the cage because you approach then you've lost what gains you've made, and he will become even more fearful after you have to chase him down to return him.He'll come around if you take your time and don't try and rush things.
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Re: I'm new and need help training a macaw!

If he jumps off the cage because you approach then you've lost what gains you've made, and he will become even more fearful after you have to chase him down to return him.He'll come around if you take your time and don't try and rush things.
I completely agree with this. If he comes out of the cage at this early stage it could cause him even greater stress when you attempt to put him back. That could ruin any progress you've made and make it even harder to gain his trust. So in my opinion, as well, it would be best to let him determine the rate at which he adapts to you and his new environment. I think the suggestions made by henpecked are the correct approach.
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Re: I'm new and need help training a macaw!

yeah ok great advice, hes not eating infront of me yet so doesnt accept treats and only eats from his bowel when im out of the room. but surelly this should end soon when he gets confidence :)
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Re: I'm new and need help training a macaw!

what does it mean when they swey from side to side?
Re: I'm new and need help training a macaw!

Like a gentle sway? Probably just nervous.

If it were me, I would pretend he wasn't even there the first day or two (with the exception of feeding him.) I'd let him get use to my routine, and use to his new enviorment before trying to give him too much attention. Once he settles down and is use to you walking by his cage, you can start stopping to say hello. :)
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Re: I'm new and need help training a macaw!

yeah i see.. the swaying is just a movement of the head from side to side while clinging onto his cage
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Re: I'm new and need help training a macaw!

hi people, parrot has calmed down a lot, i did put a nut on a stick and hes starting to take it from me and eat it, so thats good hes making progress. there was something else i need to look into, i was considering buying another bird, but i was considering buying a red macaw this time, but a female one. will this be ok or am i best off getting another blue and gold? and if it is okay is it possible to breed a blue and gold with a red macaw??
Re: I'm new and need help training a macaw!

Do you have a lot of bird experience? From what I've read on these forums owning one macaw is challenging, I can't imagine breeding them unless you are extremely experienced bird handler/breeder.

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