Re-homing our African Grey Buddy

Yes, it’s very hard because he is like a 4 year old and so smart. I feel guilty and am trying to do the best for him. We got him from a “sanctuary” rescue place someone had given up and they sold him to us for $2,000. I was kind of a little shocked because they were supposedly a non profit. Thank you for your advice on how to vet people. I read the admin advice post on when getting rid of a parrot and that was very helpful to me as well. I’ve been back and forth with my decision, it’s very hard and he is just so extremely intelligent that I feel like he would experience some more trauma in his life and supposedly he had been abused and severely neglected at his home before the “sanctuary”. So I’m definitely not 100% on my choice, I’ve had some friends interested but I’ve felt it was more about showing off what he can do to guests then to actually do for him what he needs because he is very entertaining. I’ve declined friends even so would have no problem declining strangers who didn’t seem like the right fit for his needs.
I'm Actually Happy to hear You Have Reservations Because Of the Pure Mistake I Made In "Re-Homing" Our Stella the Fella Umbrella Cockatoo. What a Sweet Bird But, She Only Liked Me. Made it Hard because of All that Was going on at the Time. Sounds Like You Too Are Conflicted About Poor Buddy Having been Abused or Neglected Before Your Rescue, From Another Like You Said, Non-Profit. I Truly Did Not Think They Were Going to Sell Her, Stella. I Had Hopes After I Got Better & My Pooch Too, We'd be Able to "Buy" Her Back, But They Sold Her....Or Their Word for "Adopt". Truly Sold, Think the Lady told me She Paid a Lot, Hope Actually She Did because Maybe with More Money "invested" It Wouldn't Be Such an Impulse Or Easy to Think Of Her As Just Another "Toy" Instead of a Being with Feelings that Needs Care, Daily. Sorry, My Computer Died Right in the Middle of this Post. Charged It Up. Good to Go. So, Again, Wish I Was Closer I Could Do Visits With Buddy & See How He Acted. I'll Tell you Although I'm Sure You Already Know, They Are Extremely Emotional & Can Have Their "Feelings" Hurt & Actually Get Depressed, So I'm So Happy to hear You're Taking Your Time. You So Obviously Since You've Already Turned Others As You Say Even Family Away, You Have the Feeling Whether They're a Good Fit or Not. Sounds Like You Have Not Found the Right Person Yet. Greys Are So Super Intelligent Too. I'm Telling You, So Was Our Stella the Fella Cockatoo. Damned She was Smart. Poor Paco Our Orange Winged Amazon has been a Great Birdie But She or He Doesn't Like Me Even After All these Years. When We had a Vet Check Paco & Stella, They Said, Paco was Actually a Female & that's Why She Liked My Husband Only, While Stella Was a Fella & That's Why HE Only Liked Me. Actually All Makes Perfect Sense Because Stella Was Actually Hostile Towards Anyone Getting Near Me Like Paco Even after 29 Years Acts the Same towards me, But Unlike Stella, the Cockatoo, Paco Has Never Actually Bite Anyone, But Paco Will "Act" Like He/She Wants to Bite me. I Just Don't Test Her. We Both Feed Her, Give Her Snacks But My Husband Is the Only One who Can Change Her Cage & Toys & All that. I Can Clean the Outside of It & That's It. Funny. So Hope You either Find the Right Person For Buddy, or Somehow You're Just Able to Keep Him. Hoping Someone Can Help You, One Way or the Other. Take Care.

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