Re-homing my Moluccan


New member
Jul 6, 2024
1 Moluccan Cockatoo
I am looking to re-home my M2 due to my health issues. I feel my Mango-bird deserves better. I'm in various degrees of pain 24/7 and am unable to take care of him as I used to. I've been his person for 12 years. I'm his 3rd home (or so I was told). He's approximately 15. He has no leg band to track where he came from. I want what's best for him. Finding him a great new person/home is my top priority. He is very important to me and I love him dearly. This has been THE most difficult and heart-breaking decisions I've had to make. He's a cockatoo so he has his moments of extreme love and extreme aggravation...with me lol. He wears a vest, when needed, due to mutilation and picking. He isn't wearing it now and he has some nice plumage coming in.

Located in Massachusetts.
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I'm so sorry to hear you're having health issues and that you're needing to rehome Mango. Tough situation all the way around. I wish I could be of more help, especially as a moluccan has been on my bucket list for decades, but I'm not in a position to take on another bird. Best I can offer is to suggest you let us know what part of this big world you're located in, so you might generate some interest close to you.
Welcome to the forums, @RSCroce, but I'm sorry for your very difficult circumstances. In addition to proving your general location, please also know that we do have a private messaging service which you will be able to access after you've amassed 10 posts on the open forum. Until that time, should anyone express an interest in adopting your cockatoo, please contact any member of the Mod team and we will be happy to assist by relaying messages between you :)
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I'm so sorry to hear you're having health issues and that you're needing to rehome Mango. Tough situation all the way around. I wish I could be of more help, especially as a moluccan has been on my bucket list for decades, but I'm not in a position to take on another bird. Best I can offer is to suggest you let us know what part of this big world you're located in, so you might generate some interest close to you.
Thank you.

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