

New member
Jan 13, 2011
heres just a quick health an safty question, my sene nut likes to perch on the radiator at times, even when there on,

my question is, it it damage/burn her feet?? the radiator can get hot to the touch, though she generally perches on them when she is takin a mid day nap?? and radiators warm to the touch

also do sene's sleep alot through the day?? well mini naps
If your sennie likes the warmth of the radiator I think it would be safe as long as you check his feet once in a while for pressure areas. That woud show up as small pink or red areas. There are electric perches for birds that may be just as warm as your radiator. Birds do take short naps during the day and should be getting a good 10 - 12 hr. quality sleep at night. That means no music, talking or TV on where the bird is sleeping. Some use a sleeping cage. Have you had your bird to an avain vet for a well check up? Should be done annually.
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yes she was checked before i got her in begining of dec10, and she gets a good 11/12 hrs every night in her sleeping cage thats put into the spare bedroom, so other then my hub snoring, its quiet in there lol

her feet look fine, all same shade :) i didn't want to move her as she was really content and grinding her beak
I wouldn't let your bird sit on a working radiator, if it's hot for your hand, it's hot to it's feet and could cause burns. But yes, I think parrots like the warmth some times. I think that is why Tiki likes to perch on top of my head. I didn't really think about it, but I'm no young sprout so I have thinning hair. When I go to remove Tiki from the top of my head after 15-20 minute perching, his feet are quite warm. You could probably do the same thing with a heat pad, which you will be able to better regulate the temp yourself.
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hummm true mike? there not un comfortablely hot to touch and i've reduce the settings now to be safe, but will cover them in tea towels lol cos if she poops down grate, i'm not sure how to remove it to clean poop off, bless her
I had a 2 foot Iguana years ago and he liked to sit on the top of my television set, which I thought was cute. But after he pooped and it ran down inside the TV shorting it out and costing me $150.00 to have fixed I didn't think it was so cute anymore. He liked the warmth of the TV set. I went out and bought him a heat rock for like $10.00. Back in the late 70's $150.00 was a lot of money.

Oh, by the way, the TV repairman didn't think it was all that amusing either. He's no longer in business since TV's are disposable now a days.

Good luck,
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awww an lol things we do for our pets (extended family) nut is the 1st pet i've had since my son was born, now i got 2 cold water fish and 3 stick insects, and given half the chance, i think nut would eat them :( as she will go to there tank an try lifting the lid (the insects that is)

all very cute to watch but not sure the sticks would agree lol
I don't let Cal use the radiator purely because she's too nosy, she wants to run her beak over EVERYTHING. I'd rather not have her chewing on radiator paint and being exposed to any metal....omg!

If she just sat there, it'd be fine lol.
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good point von, but nut never seems to be interested the radiators, but she will lick the windows?? so there just cleaned with hot water now lol
lol...awwwhhaaawwwww our lickle window licker <3

Just like human children aren't they? Astounding!
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lmao yes if i leave them dirty she don't really bother, but as soon as i've cleaned them then its fair play, so to speak :09:

maybe she thinks she's helping?? :20:

but like my step kids (now all grown up) and my son as soon as windows were cleaned, they'd have to put a paw mark on them :mad:

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